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Hey, i just wanted to say that i'm really enjoying the game and i think that you made a great job.

Thank you! I'm glad your enjoying it! :D


I hope you make more RPGmaker games in the future.

Esta muy bueno pero hamas pude instalar la vercion actualizada para android

(En las otra uso una app para game.exe)

Pero ya no aparece  nada en la vercion actualizada no esta el archivo de game .exe ojalá no se si podría relanzar la vercion nueva pero con el game.exe que no aparece en ninguna carpeta si puedes hacerlo por favor enserio me encantó el juego:'c

Hola, me alegro de que disfrutes del juego. Así que no hay una versión para Android. 
Necesitas una aplicación llamada JoiPlay para jugar en un dispositivo Android. 
Lo siento si soy difícil de entender, solo estoy usando el traductor de Google... :D

si,sirve la vercion vieja del juego con joi play pero quiero jugar la nueva c':

Creo que se debe a algunos complementos nuevos que se están utilizando. Cuando salga la versión 1.8, subiré un archivo apk de Android y espero que eso ayude.

how many endings are in the game

There's 6 normal endings (with Isabelle and without)

Quite a few bad ends (around 6-7 that cause a game over and some that just take you back to the lab)

There is a bug for the don battle where the player number just keeps adding up

What do you mean Don Battle? you mean how you participate against him in Baccarat?

the one you have to take to get to the boat

Sorry I forgot its name

The game should work fine. It's been like that for about 12 versions and haven't had anyone report issues on it. So not sure what is happening there.

(1 edit)

How do you get to Jessica's Junk Food and the Goddess Realm?

So for Jessica's Junk Food, you need to get the Buffet to move into its new location in Uptown. After, you'll see a woman standing outside of the old buffet. Collect the money and that will unlock the store.

The Goddess Realm opens once you pray to the Goddess Statue in the slums 10 times successfully (not in a row).

also another thing is I wish there is a gallery in game so we can see on how big the girls have become if ya don't mind


Yeah I'm going to add one right at the end. For now, you can use the Mirror in the Upgraded Lab to check the girls in your party and get a full shot of them.

how can I stop Cassandra( the ghost), I cant continue the game because she forced me to have a gameover...

so how do I get the goddess ending in the game?

how big Aria can get?

She has one additional size after her first one.

where's the recipe for the amazing stew?

You need to recruit the Librarian for Icycull (she's in the Castle Library) then complete her request.


How can i play this i'm joiplay?


I'm sorry, I'm not sure on how JoiPlay works. You would have to find a youtube tutorial on it. 

I was able to play but only the previous version, the current one won't let me (by the way, I love your game UwU)

Fundamentally nothing's changed. So not sure why it's not working. Does it say anything when you try opening the file?

Just Say 

This game type is not supported.

I have no idea then sorry :(

The screen-dimming effect that's applied when you enter Jigglers is not removed when you leave, and the Screen Cleaner doesn't remove it either.

Also, I'd suggest changing the quest objective text and/or questgiver dialogue for the two early bulletin board quests that send you to the Supermarket to tell you specifically that the Supermarket is in the Red Light District. It's a pretty unintuitive place to look for a supermarket, and being tipped off would help new players figure out the lay of the town.

Really? I fixed that about 6 versions ago. No one has brought it up for ages... I'll have a look into it. 

Good call. I'll add it into the description to make it a bit more intuitive.

(3 edits)

Couple more issues. Breaking my Capture Net in the woods and then entering the Jello Slime area caused the tutorial to give me a new net, despite my having already been to that area and completed at least one capture quest.

Some of Lucia's walk cycles, like north-facing and east-facing at weight 600+, have stray black pixels at the top edge on some frames.

The Flaming Orc, Corrupted Pixie, Golden Slime, and Fairy Queen all drop their quest items again in their rematch, which appears to just be useless clutter at that point.

Using a Slimeball from your inventory gives you the option to feed it to Isabelle, even when she hasn't joined your party.

The Screen Cleaner needs to be used after investing in Jessica's restaurant.

Yeah, that likes to bug out frequently. I'll try make a work-around for it so it stops giving the net once that quest gets completed.

I'll have a closer look at them for the next major update, it's sadly a little low priority wise.

Dominic will buy those from you again for some cash. So not totally useless clutter (I may add a recipe with them in future though)

Ah, missing conditional branch there. Will get that patched! 

Does the picture not get erased? 

(9 edits)

Actually, you already have added a food recipe with the monster rematch items: the Monster Medley. I just didn't know about it at the time I reported the "issue", since I hadn't even discovered where to use the crafting system yet - it's sometimes not made obvious that doing the same thing many times in a row, like giving the Chef her requested item, will eventually have a different result.

Jessica's portrait remains onscreen after the end of dialogue quite frequently - after investing in the restaurant, after talking when she's moved in, and after she demonstrates her junk food special. Other dialogue options, like shopping or "Nothing", properly wipe the screen.

Also, attempting to eat Jessica seems to infinitely loop, adding fullness and corruption, but not removing her from the game.

Eating Arabel leaves her portrait onscreen.

Speaking to Brittney and Tiffany in the succubus village leaves their portraits onscreen.

After giving Lady G her chicken eggs, the "Favour?" dialogue option remains in her menu but does nothing; it disappears only when her weight increases again.

The infinite loop when starting the Contest that others have already reported seems to only occur for me when selecting Anna as the opponent, if that helps. UPDATE: Also occurs when selecting Tiana after defeating the Queen.

The textbox after a Contest when you learn Double Hander, Plate Devourer, or Gluttonous Prescence is displayed twice in a row. Also, it's spelled "presence".

If you invest $20,000 of your own money into the Buffet, but then go to the Princess and tell her about the Buffet, you still receive the Large Bundle of Gold, which seems to have no use in that circumstance.

Despite being a very large woman who's taken appetite stimulants, Grace has a ludicrously low capacity of 25 as a Contest opponent.

When you defeat the Queen, telling Isabelle to join your party results in a clone of her standing around in the Lab until you leave the building or interact with her.

Walking around outside the Lost Isle teleporter maze after recruiting Isabelle causes a continual stream of fish to be added to the inventory. If you clear the maze and then come back outside, you'll be softlocked, unable to go back inside, open the menu, or speak to the captain.

The quest "New Food Store" is not removed from the Available Quests list, even after Jessica's Junk Food opens.

On the topic of balance rather than bugs, the plate steal QTE has such a short timer and long chain of monochrome button prompts that I still haven't succeeded a single time; also, all of the combined-monster Arena fights have such ludicrous stats that raising your stats high enough to fight them, even in the Debug Room, takes ages.

Hmm.. I probably should make those into actual quests in the quest log for further clarity..

Thanks for the large chunk of bugs! I will add them to my list of things to fix....

Grace has a low fullness until she sizes up (aka, pills take effect) Since she's lost her appetite. I will check if it's carrying over though...

The contest hall is clearly doing its own stuff again. So Tiana after the Queen... how odd :/ 
These are good finds. Thank you!

I can't have the slime follow me and I can't go past the basement code area thing

To get the slimes into the party, you need to have them at the lab, feed them slimeballs until they reach "adult" size. 

After that, you need supercharged slime from Joe. (help him out 5 times first to get that area unlocked)

Feed them 3 lots of supercharged slime and they'll size up again. Then you can add them to the party. However, there's an issue with the slime pictures being incorrect, so you'll get a mass amounts of errors while they are in your party (until the next public version ~ roughly 1-2 weeks)

In the castle? The passcode is contained on 3 hints found on the second floor. Or just beat the Security drone that spawns when you get the passcode wrong. 

Thanks but also how do you get the pink slime?

Do you mean the Red Slime? Anna needs to be on a pure branch (selecting the top option each time you talk to her)

You can then buy the slime off her husband for 1000 Gold.



Occasionally when I am trying to do the eating contests the guys voice lines loop and the contest never starts. It almost exclusively happens when I try to compete against Lady G

Yeah, that's an issue with the older version. The next one should have that fixed. I believe it was a missing conditional branch. 

I will double check before the public release comes out though.... 

how do you increase the magic defense and the magic damege?

Heading to sleep while you have above 50% fullness will give you stat growth. 

Also walking around while your fullness is above maximum but below max capacity. This will trigger an event that happens 4 times each time, your max fullness will increases and your stats will increase slightly.

I've experienced a glitch when doing Anna's slime quest line. Every time her husband goes into the forest to gather the slimes his dialogue resets after I kill about 2-3 slimes and I can't progress with her quest.

Yeah. I did fix that. Next version has it work slightly differently.
It's odd cause it didn't bug before and I actually never touched it...

Magic of code I guess :P

Next public version has the fixes implemented though! 

Awesome! Thanks for replying

Hello. First, love the game. Second, I notice a virus effect increase. Is there a timer to the game where if i dont finish its an instant game over

Not instant per se. Basically if your weight drops below 30 you will get an auto game over. But the chances of that happening are extremely low unless you just sleep each day and don't eat anything....

Thank you. also i got an error saying that QueenLarge1 picture isnt loading. is there a way to fix it?

Might have to rename a character sprite to $QueenLarge1 (copy and paste one of them and rename the copied one to that)

Should fix it for the time being till the next version drops!

I am getting this error on my screen, can someone help me please?

Yeah unfortunately that's my error. I forgot to change one of the sprites I updated.
Once the next version goes public, it'll be resolved, but for now. 
Go to the www folder > img > characters. 
Copy one of the images and rename it to $sisterchubby

It should work as a temporary fix. 

Sorry for the inconvenience!

How do you  Access debug?

In the lab, there's a little spot in the top left corner with a glowing stars. Just click "Confirm" on that square and you'll be transported there. 

this happen when i recrut slime to my party and try to open menu little help

Yeah, it's cause I messed up the name for the images. A temporary fix till the next public version comes out is to go into the pictures folder and find the picture slimegirls_1_1. Change it to just slimegirls_1. Should fix it.

(1 edit)

thanx mane and just saying i find this when opening slime status is not that big but just showing so you can fix in next updete this game is awsome btw and sory that i looking like jerk but chenging slime_1 it fix but only the blue one the red have the same problem saying failed to load:img/pictures/slimegirl_5.png again sorry for just saying bad stuf when game is awsome

Yeah, you need to change ALL of the images that have a similar naming convention. If you have a save before you added them to the party, go with that one for now. there's 8 pictures. slimegirls_1 through till slimegirls_8.

Not sure about that error though. Just seems to be a drawing error. Which happens on occasion, I think it's cause a bunch of custom variables are attached to the  individual stats themselves.

The next public version will be out in 2-3 weeks. So if you can hold off using the slimes till then....


yea like i say is not big deal

I see in one of those pics it appears that Isabelle(That's her name right) can join your party. I wonder, how do I make her join? .w

So, you need to make sure you complete her quest line (Fight her at the shed once Billy comes to you and talks to you about it - This happens on Day 5.  Then, you'll fight her a few days later outside of the lab and then a final time just before you enter the castle. If you complete all this, after beating the Queen, Isabelle will show up again and challenge you. Once you beat her, you can ask her to join you. )

Hope this helps!


Awesome, thanks my man.

Can anyone help me find this "Slime camp" i've heard so much about?

(1 edit)

in the forest go west to the vines if you haven't unlocked the slime that gives you the quest to go there to help

i keep having this appear in the loading bit after i beat the queen with the doctor

theres also another glitch i keep getting when i do a contest hall fight i get the fight screen thingy stay on my screen until i go to bed then it fixes itself


Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, I messed up some of the clean up events. It's not game breaking thankfully but I have noted it down to fix. 

The sprite missing there is because I did a clean up of sprites and removed that one. Renaming a sprite $QueenLarge1  (just copy one of the character files and rename it) should fix it temporarily.

Yeah, I'm having that same problem, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

I haven't gotten too far in the game yet, but I like it so far. Since I haven't gotten really far I don't know if its in the game but if not maybe some sex scenes? Keep up the good work.

Glad your enjoying it! 

No, no sex scenes. Mostly because they are kinda difficult to write and I suck at writing as it stands. 

That and it wouldn't quite fit into the game itself. 

(2 edits)

I think the latest update messed with the game, there is no limit to how much you can eat (walking and growing and walking, etc.)... maybe it's just me?

I get an 'profile error' when launching the game, by the way.

Nope that's intentional. So, your stats will only increase the first 4 times. Otherwise, you'll just digest and your max fullness will increase, but no stat growths. 

Yeah that's just RPG Maker being rpg maker. It's due to NWJS portion of it. If you just close it, its fine. 

(1 edit)

Question how do I get the slime girls to help and fight along with me? Or even make them adult?


So you can feed them daily with Slimeballs. After they eat enough, they will reach their "adult" stage. After that, you need Supercharged Slime in order to make them grow anymore. 
Go to Joe's House (the slime breeder). Either help him with his task 5 times or eat him and fiddle with the control panel. You'll see a cave out back with a large slime. You need to feed her Jello Slimes (get the Capture Net, go to the Forest and Capture Them). When you feed her enough, she'll give you some Supercharged Slime. Feed that to the Slime Girls. Once you give them enough, they'll size up again and you can then take them into battle with you (by talking to them and saying "Come With Me")

Hope this helps.

ok thanks but now I saw that there now more people I can get like the goblins and those Succubus twins now like how I get those gals

how do you make the ultimate stew or whatever it's called?

You need to grab the book from a quest in Icycull (which requires recruiting a particular NPC from Liamargia to back there).

The stew is then craftable at a stove from different ingredients.

also how do u find the red slime

You need to go to Anna's house and talk to her each day. Make sure you select the first option each time. You can then buy it off her husband for 1000 gold.

win zip money rar = no money

why? why did you make win zip

WinZip is easy. Just ignore the pay popup and extract.

u should add





No. No guns.

I can't see my stats when I'm walking around anymore but other than that this is great 

 open the menu. it's all there now. helps clear up the main screen so can see more.

every time i beat the slime girl in the tent she runs away no matter what size i am. How do i stop her?

So she will always run away until you either win 3 times, or lose 3 times (whichever happens first) 

Then you get the option of bringing her to the lab or eating her. (i advise bringing her back. it's just more beneficial)

all she does is run away once i beat her

She'll stop after the 3rd time.  Then you can recruit her to the lab. 

Deleted 1 year ago

So the Succubus village is only opened once you trigger an event. You need to head to the abandoned house in the slums and eat the food in the basement. Once you eat 15 (so 3 each day over 5 days) you'll be attacked by a succubus. (Note: If your below size 5, you will lose automatically and it will lock the event from happening ever again). After you beat her, she will run. Go to Esmerelda's house and she'll let you use the portal. 

Finish the Quests in the village and the two sisters will be there. 

The slimes once they hit "adult" stage, need Supercharged Slime to grow any bigger. You can get it from Aria (Joe's secret pet). To unlock her, help Joe with his slime culling 5 times and he'll show you. Otherwise just eat him and play with the control panel. 

You get the slime from aria by giving her captured Jello Slimes. 

Hope this helps!

how do I get the approval of don's? 

(I got stuck trying to complete the main mission)

You need the VIP Pass first. Spend 25,000 gold at the Casino and they'll give you one. (you can just buy and sell chips until you hit the amount)

After that, you need to beat him 5 times in a row at his game (I advise saving after each win). Once you do that, you'll have access to the boat.




Just finished the game with Corrupted Ending, loved the story so far, but too lazy to try the not corrupted one ! I'll check on web for that one. Good game to play, but it's very difficult to know where to go some times. You have to everywhere until something new basically happens. Well, that didn't stopped me and I finished the game in only two sessions, so it's not really that annoying.

(2 edits)

So I have a question. How to I get passed the vines in the forest? I'm on day 35 and I'm a bit stuck. I don't know what to do. I've been in the lab in the forest and fought Isabelle twice I believe. I also don't have access to the Mentalitiser, or the the strengthener. I don't know if I missed some thing or if I've just been fucked by RNG

Edit: Just got passed the vines. But I'm still curious on the rest of it


The other two machines have their codes in the Forest. There's 3 codes in there:

1. On a plaque in the first Forest area (head directly to the left and up)

2. In the Forest Cave (check the bush in the middle of the room)

3. In the Tent with the Blue Slime girl (check the papers on the table)

4. The MDP code is found in the trash piles in the Lab. 

But yeah, the vines are access to the Slime Village, which won't leave until you recruit the Slime Girl from the tent. If you ate her, there's no way passed them. 

Thank you! Also, I notice in side quests there's quests for snow enemies for Domenique (I think is his name). How, and where do I find those?

Those will be in the Icycull Mountains. So after you beat the Queen, you can take the boat over there and find them.

Got it. Thank you!

can you post the walkthrough here even if its outdated because i cant find it in the game files or anywhere

Sadly it got lost in a file cleanup... So I've had to rewrite the whole damn thing from scratch... :(

Is there a particular point your stuck at or need help on? I can post what to do + outcomes here in the meantime.

sorry for the late reply but long story short i have no clue on what to do after beating the experiment woman for the 3rd time

Oh Isabelle? 

So you'll need to head to the Castle. To get the key, you need to get the blue slime from the tent in the Forest. Beat her or lose to her 3 times. If you eat her you still get the key but I'd advise taking her with you.  If you take her with you, wait till it's a day divisible by 3 and she'll ask for your help. Complete the quest and she'll give you the key as a reward. You can now access the castle and beat the Queen, which then opens up the next area to go (once you do a couple of things first).

The guide is almost ready. But I'm just gonna write it for the next version which will come out in a couple of weeks. 

what do i do after feeding beth?

So feeding Beth is mostly just a side gig for now. To continue the story, you need to wait until night time then look for the doctor around the town. 

Once you interact with him a few times, he'll take you back to the lab. Talk to him afterwards to confirm your choice (if you do, there's no going back) and then it'll start playing out the ending sequences.


kinda wish we could eat the queen but still a good ending 

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