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(1 edit)

Hey can you please make it so people are able to install this on the app ?

And also do it for the rest of your games?

Hey so apparently every RPGMaker game is unable to be installed with the itchio app idk why thoug

It's the way RPG maker games are set up. All you need to do is download the folder, extract and click the Game.exe to play. 

(2 edits) (+1)

I really love the game dude, very well written and well planned out.😎👍❤

I hope you'll continue to make more female weight gain RPG games in the future, perhaps ones with DLC too.

I'm not forcing this upon you, but I have a few ideas I would like to share with you for new female weight gain RPG games.( just to be clear I'm not suggesting anything morally depraved, I swear to God ). 

I preferably would like to discuss this on a secured site like Discord.

Please let me know if you're interested.

Hey I'm glad you enjoy the game! 

There are a few more planned in future :D Plenty of ideas in the tank currently. 

Hahah, I'll throw the link to the Discord into the main post. You can join from there whenever your ready :D

Awesome, can't wait



I can't talk to Tiana because the door to her is closed

Did you go to the Buffet first in the slums? 

You need to watch the scene where she gets kicked out first before you can head to her house (also, most interactions with her don't open up until you beat the Queen for the first time)

Love seeing updates. Is the most recent guide still accurate? I have it from whatever recent version had it included, I forget the number. 


It sadly is a bit out of date. I'm currently writing a new and improved one. Hopefully won't take too long to be out. hopefully...

(3 edits)

I have eloise's goods but it keeps saying that i dont have it but i have the item in my inventory How do I fix that


Yeah I made a slight mistake with her branch so the quest bugs out entirely. 
I'm currently fixing up another critical bug, once it's done, I'll be uploading it and some other fixes all together.


Thank you for all the hard work and time you put into this game, I can really feel the passion that went into this and it's well deserved. While playing I found a few more bugs? I couldn't earn the Two-Hander skill from the buffet, Pin-Down didn't stay after saying I learned from Beth, Isabelle was missing all skills besides Warmonger. Before fighting the queen I didn't trigger Isabelle's special ending with her corruption over 25 & and the corrupted partner ending to the game. 

Hmm... I think I removed Two-Hander (those need to be redone I think. The method I'm using to track them isn't the most reliable)

Pin-Down not staying around is very odd. I swear sometimes RPG Maker has a mind of its own when it comes to skills. 

Isabelle has no default skills, she learns them by eating Titan Fruits (unless you gave her titan fruits, then thats an issue)

and yes, the endings are a little broken currently. Sometimes they play nicely but generally they don't :(

(1 edit)

This game is amazing and is one of the best made ones out there. There's so much to do and routes you can take, gameplay is good and not too grindy, artwork and dialogue are top notch. But I found a few bugs, the Esmeralda quest I can start it up just fine but after receiving the pill no option to give it appears. Also no option to eat both Danielle and Varona when having over 500 fullness, the skill books you can buy from the Don didn't give a skill after use.  I'm excited to see what else comes in the future. 

Thanks! I really appreciate that!

Yeah. I added an auto complete function for the quest since it became missable after i changed the contest hall. For the next update, thats getting removed and reverted back to how it was originally. Your maximum fullness needs to be above 500 (not your capacity). Oh really? They should give the skill when they are used as an item. If not, that's a little annoying, cause they worked fine before.... 


is there a way i can maintain my previous save from the other version?

For some updates  yes. I will specify if they are transferable. Some sadly no, although the next update will have a debug room (more of a cheat room) so you can buff your stats and give yourself gold so you don't need to grind like crazy. I try to ensure saves can be carried but there are some instances where it doesn't work (be it new items and initialisation variables or because i changed earlier content and not starting over will cause you to miss it entirely)

Deleted post

How very odd. First i've heard of it. 

Best way to solve it (temporarily), is copy one of the other files and rename it. (so change it to LadyGFat (skip the .png part)

It should work as a temporary fix. 

Deleted post

That's RPG Maker unfortunately. I have a lot of events running so it can lag out a little. Is it a particular map that it happens on or just in general?

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Thats very odd. Is your computer older by chance? If it isn't, when you open RPG Maker, try allocate more RAM to it. It might just not have enough to run properly. 

Yeah, I know about that bug. It's set to check the wrong item. If you have 5 pig in a cases (It's alot I know) but it will continue that questline. 

Also knew about that one. I just made that event poorly to be honest with you. That's why it does weird stuff. 

There's only one place currently. It's the cave in the Icycull Mountains. Although, if your above Size 8, you can just smash through the wall. (Or if your below size 2, you can just walk in normally). I've been meaning to add additional uses for it. Just not sure what.... :D 

The chasm in the sewers in only usable if you LOSE to the queen the first time. It just takes you into the castle library (but if you beat her, you can just walk in through the front door). There's nothing beyond that point honestly.  The reason it's like that, is cause you get kicked out of the castle and they change the locks (so your key doesn't work anymore)

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Nah the password for it is in the forest. Although, I really need to redo those machines and the story behind them. They were some of the first events I made so they are a tad wonky.  

The machines have no requirements apart from unlocking the control panel.


I can't get the mac version to open

hmm unfortunately i don't have a MAC to test it on. Only added it as some people requested it. 

You might need to run a virtual windows machine to run or download an alternate program. 
Sorry I can't be more help... I know that the MAC OS does some weird stuff with certain plugins, so it could be the reason it doesn't work nicely.

(1 edit) (+1)

I got a windows laptop, so it's working now.

But there is still one fairly major bug I have to report.

I ate the people in the supermarket, but they never respawned, which softlocks me out of quests like getting food for the succubus camp. But in your guide it implies they respawn a few days lafter if you ate them

Also the mezeti inn door to upstairs shuts just before you enter it so there's no way you can get to your room


Thats good! I'm not sure how MAC works so yeah....

Oh my you're right... Surprised no one caught that yet... It was meant to reset after 3 days but there was no "ON" switch for the event, so it never triggered. 

Damn that Inn door. Nothing but trouble I say.... 

But thanks! I'll get those fixed!

I found another bug and one i forgot to mention:

The guy outside Danielle's house doesn't disappear after being eaten and can be eaten infinitely. But I'm pretty sure you know about it already as it's hard to miss.

The other bug is that I can't find more than 5 adventurers in the forest to send to Icycull. I have tried waiting for a week, going at different times but I can't find anyone. I ate everyone in the town so I can't complete the quest. The thing is I recruited 1 the first time and 4 the day after but none appeared after that.

The guy in front of Danielle's house I know about. It's been fixed for the upcoming version.

So there's 8 adventurers in the Forest. 4 appear on odd numbered days. 4 appear on even numbered days. 

They will respawn every day unless told to go to Icycull. (they have different locations, so if you can't find any, visit on the next day for the next batch)

is there any new content in the update? or just bug fixes? 

oh shoot. forgot to upload the changelog :P

so new stuff is shops in mezeti, contest hall rework, more characters can be eaten, new size for lucia, new event with isabelle

if you tried to eat her, few more scenes and a bunch of fixes

(2 edits) (+1)

this game is fantastic and has a lot of content, maybe a bit too much.  i Honestly reccomend to make a guide.

keep up with the good work

haha, there is a guide :D unfortunately it was a bit outdated, so I spent the last week updating it (hoping I didn't miss anything....)

The new version will be out today actually, and ill have the guide bundled inside of it.

version for mac?

I can't seem to block steals in eating contests. I've hit the A button 5 times, I've hit it more than 5 times, I've hit other buttons, it always fails and I lose points!

So on the keyboard its the actual A button. Not the confirm key. 

I know it's a little confusing like that...

Ah. I kinda thought that, but I tried on my gamepad. (I had it set to B on my 6-button pad.) I'm guessing it ignores the gamepad entirely in this scenario...

I did add functionality for controllers. But whether they work is a different story (since i don't have one I can test with...)

So yeah, apologies for that. But yes. Its the A button on the keyboard itself. 

how can i transfer saving to another computer

You need to copy over the save folder. 

Open the folder with the game in it. Open the www folder and copy the "Save" folder. 

It seems there's a bug in the Blackjack minigame where the dealer always treats an ace as a 1 despite rules stating they always treat it as 11.

Yup. I did know about that one. Was a mistype. Meant to enter 11 and just entered 1. 

 I'm told that the scientist is on a different island but i cant find him,how can i find the scientist on the island?

You need to travel to Icycull.

I'll give a brief explanation:

Once you beat the Queen, talk to the Tiana then head to the Casino. Get a VIP Pass and talk to the Don. Beat him at his game 5 times in a row. Go to the harbour, head to Icycull. Cross the mountains to Icycull. Talk to the people there and the chief. Cross through the Dread Mountains. You'll be in Mezeti. Head to the tavern and watch the scenes. If you watched, head out and follow Mallory. If you intervened, go to Beth's house. Nap until its night time and you'll find the doctor outside. Follow him around and you'll end up at his lab.

thank you very much!

I did a replay and I found what I missed in the end.

However, what to do with the [Heart of the Warmonger]? It didn't seem to have triggered anything by wearing it.

Ah, so I couldn't fit it into the description, but you need a Health stat above the threshold to actually trigger its effect. 

It gives an insane regeneration buff each turn that you don't take damage. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Ah ok, I thought it triggered some secret ending because they didn't want to tell me what it does x)

But I really like the rest. Looking forward to the other additions.

I didn't find Isabelle after she failed the challenge, I want to know how to find her

If it's before the Queen fight. She will find you. 
First meeting is in the shed of the farm
Second is just outside the lab.
Third is just before you enter the castle
Fourth is after beating the Queen. 
Then if you can get her join you, live in town or try eating her.

(1 edit)

thank you so much. I like this game very much. but how to learn about the doctor? I don't know if I missed anything. and Danielle didn't respond to the pig in a case I gave her.

What do you mean? If its about the doctor, the lab downstairs has a computer that has some information on the doctor. 

As for the Danielle thing, that's a bit odd. It should trigger automatically once you give her the Pig in a Case....

sorry. I didn't make it clear. I mean, I can't finish the third stage of the main task “learn about the doctor". I looked at the computer and notes in the laboratory and read the notes of the doctor in the cave. I don't know if I missed anything

Ahhh. There's a chance I may have messed up the quest objectives on that one. When I do my final sweep of it, I'll be double checking those again. 

(1 edit)

am i dumb but how do open the game after downloading cause i tried the file that says game

If you just extract the contents, you can just run the game.exe from the main folder.

If it's not working... you might have to re-download the files as it might not have extracted properly or corrupted during the download.

I'm confused on what to do after beating the queen, I'm told that the scientist is on a different island but i cant seem to travel there at the docks?

You need to go to Tiana's house first and ask her about the harbour.

Then you head to the Don of the casino (you'll need a VIP pass - just spend 25000 in chips (buy / sell repeatedly)

Then you can go to the docks and travel

(1 edit)

thank you so much! the games great btw, but are the battle against the boss monster on the islands not possible to get an actual victory over or am i doing something wrong?

They are beatable. But your stats need to be quite high to do so. 

Since it's mostly optional content, you need to have grinded out stats a bit more than for normal battles. 

Things will probably be rebalanced though...

I think I encountered the same bug as before just instead of feeding one of them I ate both Danielle and the Maid x)

Spoiler: And on top of that I think my ending bugged a little out, since I got the Lucia / Isabelle ending without having Isabelle in the party since I threatened to eat her.

Eating both is possible if you have more than 0 corruption and your maximum fullness is over 500. 

Yeah, the endings need fixing. They broke slightly :(

Yeah I ate both, but I meant that I bugged the eating contest like that again because I did it after like in my first playthrough. x)

And, eh. I think there will be more content for the last two towns still too, eventually? Or did I just miss that girl in the forest in the Ice town, and the second encounter with the green haired girls in the last town?

Ah. Yeah I've decided to redo the contest hall one last time. 

Have an idea to make it a bit different entirely and ensure things don't go wonky (well, its the hope anyways)

Yes there will be definitely. Gonna add some extra shops and some minor quests and such to make it feel a bit more alive.

(1 edit)

I'm looking forward to it.

And I'll probably do a replay on the weekend without rushing to the new stuff as much as I did before x) Because it feels like I skipped especially some stuff with the green haired girls. 

On another note, I like where the ending was going.

I can't seem to figure out where danielle's missing maid is?

Haha, you never actually find her maids really....

Just keep visiting Danielle's house, I'm sure the answer will present itself.

Hi.It is possible to get the latest version of the game except Patreon?

It will be publicly available this Sunday.


Hi. Love the game so far, but I have to know, when is the next update going to drop? I read some news (can't remember where) that something happened to the development team behind this game and it would take a long time to get things rolling again. Really praying things are becoming all right now and things are finally going to be back on schedule with monthly updates. I REALLY don't want this game to become another cancelled project.


Hm where did you read that?

I'm the development team :P Currently I'm back at university, so progress is a little slow. That and this next update is a touch bigger than normal, so ironing out the kinks is taking a little longer than anticipated. 

Since there's only like 2 updates to go (well, plot based ones), cancelling now would be a damn shame. I've spent too many hours on this to stop now :D

(1 edit)

Phew. That's a relief. So if you don't mind me asking, when IS the next update going to be released? I feel like I've been playing 1.16 forever. Or do you not have an estimate for the release date? Don't get me wrong though, the game is amazing, but I'm itching for something new.

It's getting there :P Patreon will get it before end of the month, then usually 2-3 weeks after for the public :D 

Normally I would have had an update out already but University coupled with a very busy February pushed me back a little. 

That and since it's reaching the end of story based content, I figured I would do one larger update than a bunch of smaller ones. 

Understandable. Have a great day.

Oh, can you also post a link to your patreon here so I can Join?

Sure thing :D

I have a problem I know I'm supposed to get feed Anna but everytime I trie to fish for salmon I can't get any fishes is there a easier way or is there a place I can just buy the fish?


Well you can buy salmon to the fisherman

wait there a fisherman where is he?

he is in Liamarga-Farm, more exactly here.

(1 edit)

Nevermind I just simply used patience

Well its ok

Very nice game man, but I question, when you and your (game) team release the full game, will the data that I have from the last version of the game be saved or will I have to start the game again?


Sadly the next update will require a restart (since there's  a few new mechanics present) I'll do my best to try have an option to try correct older files, but it most likely won't work.

I'll be adding in a debug room eventually so you can remove some of that early game grind and finish up events earlier


Oh I see, it's ok for me, maybe I can now do my more fastly my adventure and also do the other event that will come to the game.

But anyways thanks to you and your team for making this great game =)

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if I did something wrong by eating to many people too soon, but I can't progress past Tiana (Rank 3) in the eating contest. Who do I have to feed next?

(It's an amazing game otherwise. Hits all the right points.)

After Tiana, you need to work on  Anna (the woman in the slums whose husband is at the back of the house)

Talk to her 5 days in a row (your response will dictate her path). Then do her initial quest and she'll unlock.  After her, you need to complete the mini quests that Lady G and Esmerelda give you. 

I'm glad you enjoy it! Once I crack down on all the bugs it should be much smoother to play through :D

(1 edit)

I did this already, I meant for Rank 3. (And I ate Anna)

Yeah, it's probably my favourite vore game I played so far. I really liked the sandboxy nature.

Also I just noticed that you did the Growing Vengeance game as well. 

Suddenly I get the hopes up that something similar happens at the end.

Oh! After that will be Danielle / Varona (depending on which branch you took) 

and then the final one is Gwen. 

Haha, I'm really glad you like it :D and yes, I also made that game. Which will most likely be re-made soon (probably after this game is finished)

I've beaten Varona already, and ate her, but the funny thing is that I can still fight her in the contest without the usual message of that she isn't available at the moment like the other vore victims. I guess I've been a little too eager with it. I'll just refrain from eating people too soon once I'll replay it after the new update hit.

Oh, and that's nice news. I'm looking forward to it.

Ah damn! I must have forgotten to add her conditional branch. Which path did you take?

Awsome game!! Anyone know where to get the pig in a case?


You need to find Cooking Volume 3 (Check the Casino store). Then head to the oven in the slums district (provided you've finished the mini quest with the Fairy Wing girl) and combine the correct ingredients for it. 

Damn thans, hate to be annoying but what about the VIP pass?? ^_^


So for the VIP Pass, you need to spend 25000 gold at the casino counter. (Just buy chips and resell them back)

Pretty nice game dude,  but I don't know how exactly how I can increase my rank(because I'm in rank 1), and I think that I have to increase my rank to continue with the main story, or just to complete the mini-quest of Varona after she eats Danielle.

The rank with the contest hall? It's not part of the main story. It's just a largely extended side quest. Basically, you need to feed / size up competitors and that'll unlock them. But if you don't do it , it won't affect your progress with the main quest. 

Oh really?, that was something that I didn't expect, but anyways thanks for clarifying my question dude, btw, do you know what I can do to continue, yes now, with the main story? I'm stuck In that part where I found the secret sewer in a cave in the forest because I don't know if I need a special item or something or someone that can help me to pass to the next zone. 

If you want to know what exactly zone I'm talking about, here is an image of that zone.

Ah so that area is locked. 

Basically, you need to fight the Queen. If you win, the story will continue as normal and there will be no issues.

If you lose,  you will get experimented on (the virus effect will increase dramatically) and then get booted out. If you go to return to the castle, the door is now locked and your key won't work. But the sewer path there you showed will be open so you can head back into the castle. 

So essentially, if you fight and beat the Queen, you don't need to worry about that path at all. 

(2 edits)

Oh well, I basically did what you said firstly, so as you said, I don't have to be worried about that path, thanks for clarifying my question.

But If that path doesn't affect the main story, what I have to do now because I don't know what I can do to continue with the main story, I complete most of the sides quest, the part of the hints in the castle(for see a cinematic of the NPC making a kind of strike) and also I help some other NPC, like the slime girl(and Queen Slime) or the old man with backache, with their things for maybe try to continue with the main story, but I think that most of these ones didn't help me a lot.

The main story isn't quite finished yet. Once you cross the boat to Icycull and finish up around there it ends. (A message will pop up once you can't go further). 

Basically once you beat the Queen, you need to visit Tiana (if she's been eaten it'll still function). Then you visit the Don of the Casino by getting a VIP Pass (spend at least 25000 gold on chips - Just buy some, sell them back). Once you complete his mini game, you can use the boat to head to Icycull.

Hey! I really loved your game awesome job! I couldn't help but making some promotional art for it!

Oh my god! Thats amazing! :D I'm really glad you enjoy it!

(1 edit)

no problem after playing for a probably 6 hours or so and trying out all the different routes and interactions i couldn't help but make somthing for it :) i hope you're able to continue the project. there's really alot of original ideas with the mechanics youve put in! if you want to collaborate or want some extra help on the game i would be glad to pitch in a bit artwise or programming wise  at the very least i will most likely be doing some other Lucia fanart in the future =3. great job on her sprites btw!

:D It's almost at the end, but that doesn't mean I might not add additional stuff on top afterwards. 

Sidesalad00 and Coldsteelj take credit for the sprites :D They both did an amazing job on them :D 

they did a great job! I checked out the dev logs that were out there for the game you guys really did alot to get the game off the ground :). ill probably be making some more Lucia fanart somtime lol, and i'm certainly looking forward to continue exploring all that you guys put into the game

the game would be perfect, if it weren't for the same error with the game of the three witches, the game is not saved when I exit the game and I have to do everything again

have you extracted the game files?

if you play the game without actually extracting it, it won't save properly. 

It's to do with RPG Maker and how the computer registers the game files.


Awesome game ! really creative how you intertwined all the various ways to pump up your size! the eating system makes battling monsters all the more rewarding! you really feel how much you've progressed from being scrawny in the beginning, barely able to eat a few cookies to being able to scarf down to whole forest when you get to the heavier weights :). 

game is in desperate need of a walkthrough for branching paths but I'm definitely gonna drop some sheckels on this when it gets more fleshed out.


I do have a guide actually! Although it's currently a tad outdated. Once the next update drops,

I'll be bringing the guide up with it and bundle it inside the game files. 

There is a lot of branches which cuts off certain aspects, which can get a little bit crazy.


Amazing Game so far!

sounds very interesting , I will install it , test it and then leave ,y first impressions if thats okay

No worries. I've been working on it for the last year. But there's still plenty of bugs to be found :P 


I played till the 9th day now or so. And I already like it. The town is not irritating to get lost. I like how the different parts of the city feel unique and that there are lots of things to do as well as the NPCs plumping up. (Spoiler: Like the woman Varona which worke as a Maid for Danielle. As well as others which i did not find yet) I am looking forward for the updates ! Till then , I see how far I can go and explore the world of Project F.A.T

Definitely on my top 3 RPG Maker games on next to Seeds of Destiny and Coven of Calahree

I can't download it it's too heavy xD

:D We make them big around here :P

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