The security guards that show up in the Slime Queen quest have a pretty surreal bug. Every time you load a save, their stats get multiplied. As I was retrying the fight, they went from doing ~80 damage a hit to doing over a thousand in a single attack. Then after I reloaded the game, they couldn't hurt me at all. So if you're struggling with that fight, try resetting the game.
This game was lovely. I legit spent around 20 hours 100% my playthrough. I beat all the creations without dying and saw Dominic said he would may reward me in the next update. I realize there has not been an update in some time but it was a great game nonetheless!
Yeahhhhh another update never happened sadly. Although a sequel is definitely on the cards (similar mechanics, same basic world but different characters) So you might be able to relive it all again :D
It's in the Uptown area. Where the Casino is. From the Slums where the lab is, travel up, the head right and up again. The stairs there will take you to the Uptown area.
you need to get the castle key from the blue slime girl first. Then solve the “puzzle” to unlock the door. Then you can head into fight her. Depending on what you’ve done inside the castle, the difficulty will change.
When doing the repeated battle loop against the early game monster bosses to make food, the drop from the golden slime does not register as an in game item. To put it more clearly, it's in the item menu as "gold slime", but the rest of the plugins in the game register it as "golden slime". The cooking menu also gives the ingredient a bronze star icon whereas the item in menu has a gold star icon. Not a major issue, just annoying that I spent a few minutes repeat killing the golden slime to grind for items, and can't do the thing the things are supposed to do.
I think i encountered a bug that stops me from progressing the story. I am a couple hours into the game and have just beaten the Queen but shortly after you defeat her the game instructs you to go to the casino and talk to the Don. Now i think what your suppose to do there is start a riot but i can't do that as i have already spoken to some of the NPCs there a couple days earlyer and if i talk to the rest now it won't play the cutscene and nothing will happen . Is this an actual bug or im i just stupid?
I know that this has been answer several times but I can't complete the step about learn about the doctor, I already check the cave but I didn't find any computer, where is it?
When i view the bad ending for the goblin (i forgot her name) in the ending viewer room and then go and visit the slime village. It plays the ending there again, taking me to the credits, stopping me from ever accessing the area.
I would like to know how to best use hunger supplements there effect does not last long enough to be useful, I might be missing something. also how can you learn more about the doctor without fighting the queen as I am some what lost on what to do?
I have to ask is there a new game plus? as that would be the only way to fill out the gallery right? I would like to unlock the full gallery if possible. a guide to get all the different events for the pictures even the special one would be the next best thing. I noticed that in the gallery there seem to be one more pic for Eira & the Two slime girls to unlock of course I can only guess as there is no hint to say if they have more to unlock is or not. that could also help lead the player to keep searching and playing for more of that sweet goodies that are hinted at in the game.
There isn't at the moment. Generally some pictures won't be unlockable in one playthrough. I did think of adding in a new game plus. But that would be an undertaking on it's own (since it requires a little bit of planning and I actually had an idea of how I wanted to do it as well)
the Blue slime girls stats keep resetting at random after you do some to change her state like when feeding her or you go to a new area? it happened to me several times. she also is exhausted even next day even after sleep and has a skull icon one's she is over 80 points of fullness.
That's really weird. They shouldn't be resetting. I'll have a look and make sure there isn't something triggering to make that. Is there any stats in particular that reset? Or is it just her ATK, DEF etc...?
all stats except HP rest losing all the stats she gains from food but seem to keep the boost from the gym (a guesstimate from what I see). I notice after I feed her to restore her health the stats rest.
Ah. So the skull icon means she's gone over her maximum. Which means she'll suffer a relatively large penalty to all stats. This applies to all characters. once you digest, her stats should go back to how they were.
I tested it out myself multiple times and found no issues.
Thanks for the quick response. I have to add that for a fact that from what I played is a really fun game the can feel a bit grindy at time like with growing the slime into adults, of course over like it a lot. The girl in with the witch's hat that prays at the Goddess shine in the commercial District is the best girl by far, love the design of her fat sprite. Keep up the good work.
Okay so what happened was that when I went back to the tavern after talk/fed Beth, eve wasn’t at the tavern like no sprites are there. I did exactly what you asked but she is still not there. :(
OK I'm going to pick this up. I am having the same problem and have searched Mezeti top to bottom and CANNOT find the doctor. I can only get into the item shop, the tavern which hasn't changed since i intervened in the fight, the inn where I tried renting a room, the abandoned house i got here in, and Beth's house. I can't do Beth's quest because my net is broken, and the Queen's robots won't let me fast travel. I truly cannot see a path forward is this a glitch? Is one of the houses supposed to be unlocked so I can go in?
Okay so what happened is that when I went back after the “intervene” scene, she is not at tavern and I tried everything between skipping a few days to restarting the story. I don’t know what’s missing. Also I already fed Beth every time to work but she is not there still.
Ah. that's the wrong choice. Since only one sister will be left. The event can only trigger if you settle things peacefully.
When you confront Mallory in the large hunting ground area, you need to pick "Believe Eve". You'll fight Mallory and after winning, Eve will show up and then both will head back to the tavern. Then once you sleep the event can trigger.
Bug report: the minotaurus have negative health and another stat.
And i know it's not a bug but an exploit, but you can use can save after you win in the casino and double your money until you reach 9999 and you can obtain 49995 money in the first pretty easily(i am at the 6th day and i have ~4500 weight just by buyng items and cooking foods to increase stats I've beat the slime amalgamation too.
Ok minotarus stats in the bestiary change i don't know why but I they had -15 hp -99magic attack, now they have -174 magic attack and 135 hp
That is rather peculiar. They shouldn't have negative stats at all.... So not sure what's going on there. I'll have a suss.
Yeah, the casino is meant to be exploited. Hence why some prices are quite inflated around the place. I could disable saving in their, but that's not fun. So I'm leaving it as it is :P
No that's all good! I managed to work out what it was. For some reason, it kept adding stats each time. So, that's why the numbers kept increasing (and in some cases, decreasing...)
there is a problem with using items in battle where it brings up the field menu and removes you from battle then for battles with scenes either showing the before battle scene and restarting the fight or showing the after battle win scene after you close the field menu
i am not sure if it is all of them i found this while trying to use hp restoring items i think you should make sure those work right or make items meant for healing during battle as those are the only items worth using in battle
I did manage to work out a counter measure so it wouldn't cause the battle to crash. Was kind of funny just having battles end randomly when i was testing though :P
Hmm. I think that's just a resolution issue sadly. Screen is probably too small to render the entire plugin so it cuts off. Can you click on it to display requirements? If not, I'll try set-up an "Active Quest" bar in the HUD so you can see what's needed without having to access the screen itself.
So I was going through Jessica's side quest until I got her ultimate and goddess meal. Instead of giving me the amount that it said, it gave me like 30 Fullness and it keeps resetting my increased full gauge when I go somewhere. There also another problem and its from Isabelle. Isabelle always has a skull when she is full and/or digested.
Hmmm.... That's very odd indeed. I think I missed a number in there somewhere.... I'll add it to my list of fixes. What do you mean a skull? Like a status condition?
Ah. That's the Overstuffed state. So basically, if you exceed your maximum fullness (press 2 on the keyboard to get an exact number), you receive a debuff. Seems like it's not disappearing when you drop below the threshold though which is annoying...
So, I went back to the tavern when I was done doing my monster quests and it froze my game. Its froze in Mezeti's tavern. Also, I'm having trouble with the ladder at the other side of the sewers.
Yeah, that issue is fixed in 1.8 (which will be coming out soon). That ladder becomes accessible only if you lose to the Queen. if you beat her, it won't (it basically just takes you back into the castle.
It's all combos now. The reason I changed it for more general use. If you use a controller, there are no inputs you can use sadly since it requires specifically the A and B key on the keyboard.
If you do find it too fast, the upcoming 1.8 update increases the timer again so it shouldn't be as difficult to complete.
It shouldn't. Can you give me as much information as possible? Like party members and such? It could be an issue with overlapping events or potentially just lag since i know that area has some lag issues....
Ok so if you have yourself or with eria the game freezes.
When you lose to the queen in the castle you look for the doctor with the security. When you find him and betray the security right after the fight the game freezes.
← Return to game
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The security guards that show up in the Slime Queen quest have a pretty surreal bug. Every time you load a save, their stats get multiplied. As I was retrying the fight, they went from doing ~80 damage a hit to doing over a thousand in a single attack. Then after I reloaded the game, they couldn't hurt me at all. So if you're struggling with that fight, try resetting the game.
wow didnt know they made a caseoh sim
This game was lovely. I legit spent around 20 hours 100% my playthrough. I beat all the creations without dying and saw Dominic said he would may reward me in the next update. I realize there has not been an update in some time but it was a great game nonetheless!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Yeahhhhh another update never happened sadly. Although a sequel is definitely on the cards (similar mechanics, same basic world but different characters) So you might be able to relive it all again :D
I have no clue how to progress the story at all is there a guide
there is one bundled in with the game. Should be a word doc titled Project FAT Guide.
If it’s not there, let me know and I’ll try upload a copy here as well :)
sorry if this is alot, but I have run into some questions/issues
-the Gym owner's size seems to not progress past the third size increase not matter how many times I go
who in the Guardhouse do I need to talk to to progress Amanda (vore girl)'s quest?
how do I eat tiana? can i eat tiana?
Gwen, Celia, and Anna are not showing up in the eating contest and characters that shouldn't be showing up are
oh also, how to progress the fattening of Beth and where is the Ultimate Glutton located?
it’s not too much :D although it’s been a long while since I’ve looked at the game (it’s coming up to 3 years old now :D)
- she should have more sizes. Can be an issue where she needs to gain more.
- that character should appear once the quest starts officially. Usually they hang out just in front of the entrance
- to eat Tiana you will need to do so after eating her dad. If you aren’t big enough, she will eat you instead.
- the contest was always buggy as. The characters change every day. Have you tried on consecutive days?
- Beth requires a shit load of food mostly. Usually high calorie ones. The ultimate glutton I can’t quite remember sorry.
I've eaten her dad (I assume the blonde guy or the village chief were her dad) and it's still bringing up "tell me about yourself" and "the harbor"
but otherwise thank you very much, tho really wish you could eat Amanda and Beth once they've gotten huge
discovered the ultimate Glutton, it's an alternate ending for the evil Anna route where you don't grab the largest fatty in the vault
and also found out that I needed to have Tiana pay for the new Buffet
the bug fix mega link is dead
you should be able to download the main file. It has the fixes built into it.
does anyone know where the supermarket is
It's in the Uptown area.
Where the Casino is.
From the Slums where the lab is, travel up, the head right and up again. The stairs there will take you to the Uptown area.
How do i fight the queen?
you need to get the castle key from the blue slime girl first. Then solve the “puzzle” to unlock the door. Then you can head into fight her. Depending on what you’ve done inside the castle, the difficulty will change.
how do I get the blue slime
find her in the shack inside the forest.
battle her and win 3 times. You can then bring her back to the lab with you.
hey how do I get the hunger supplement?
never mind
When doing the repeated battle loop against the early game monster bosses to make food, the drop from the golden slime does not register as an in game item. To put it more clearly, it's in the item menu as "gold slime", but the rest of the plugins in the game register it as "golden slime". The cooking menu also gives the ingredient a bronze star icon whereas the item in menu has a gold star icon. Not a major issue, just annoying that I spent a few minutes repeat killing the golden slime to grind for items, and can't do the thing the things are supposed to do.

that’s my mistake on that one. I do have a list of fixes I need to address for this, just have had the time to go over project fats ones :(
I think i encountered a bug that stops me from progressing the story. I am a couple hours into the game and have just beaten the Queen but shortly after you defeat her the game instructs you to go to the casino and talk to the Don. Now i think what your suppose to do there is start a riot but i can't do that as i have already spoken to some of the NPCs there a couple days earlyer and if i talk to the rest now it won't play the cutscene and nothing will happen . Is this an actual bug or im i just stupid?
nah to talk to the Don you need to get a VIP pass. Spend 25000 on chips (just buy and sell them) and it’ll be awarded to you.
Then you can go upstairs and speak with him to progress.
I know that this has been answer several times but I can't complete the step about learn about the doctor, I already check the cave but I didn't find any computer, where is it?
It's in the lab in the castle basement. (on the right hand side of the map)
can only access it once you unlock the main system through the centre computer though.
When i view the bad ending for the goblin (i forgot her name) in the ending viewer room and then go and visit the slime village. It plays the ending there again, taking me to the credits, stopping me from ever accessing the area.
ah damn. The switches must not be turning off correctly.
I’ll double check what’s going on there. Should hopefully be a relatively easy fix.
I would like to know how to best use hunger supplements there effect does not last long enough to be useful, I might be missing something. also how can you learn more about the doctor without fighting the queen as I am some what lost on what to do?
it just increases your max fullness. That’s all it does. Once you use it, it should increase max fullness and be consumed after that.
Check the computers in the lab in the basement of the Castle.
that's the problem the max fullness does not last beyond the menu causes ounce you use use it and leave the menu the bonus to the stat will be gone.
Hmmm. I think I know why it's doing that.... Hopefully its the reason why...
I have to ask is there a new game plus? as that would be the only way to fill out the gallery right? I would like to unlock the full gallery if possible. a guide to get all the different events for the pictures even the special one would be the next best thing. I noticed that in the gallery there seem to be one more pic for Eira & the Two slime girls to unlock of course I can only guess as there is no hint to say if they have more to unlock is or not. that could also help lead the player to keep searching and playing for more of that sweet goodies that are hinted at in the game.
There isn't at the moment. Generally some pictures won't be unlockable in one playthrough. I did think of adding in a new game plus. But that would be an undertaking on it's own (since it requires a little bit of planning and I actually had an idea of how I wanted to do it as well)
It will come eventually, but not just yet.
the Blue slime girls stats keep resetting at random after you do some to change her state like when feeding her or you go to a new area? it happened to me several times. she also is exhausted even next day even after sleep and has a skull icon one's she is over 80 points of fullness.
That's really weird. They shouldn't be resetting. I'll have a look and make sure there isn't something triggering to make that. Is there any stats in particular that reset? Or is it just her ATK, DEF etc...?
all stats except HP rest losing all the stats she gains from food but seem to keep the boost from the gym (a guesstimate from what I see). I notice after I feed her to restore her health the stats rest.
Ah. So the skull icon means she's gone over her maximum. Which means she'll suffer a relatively large penalty to all stats. This applies to all characters. once you digest, her stats should go back to how they were.
I tested it out myself multiple times and found no issues.
Thanks for the quick response. I have to add that for a fact that from what I played is a really fun game the can feel a bit grindy at time like with growing the slime into adults, of course over like it a lot. The girl in with the witch's hat that prays at the Goddess shine in the commercial District is the best girl by far, love the design of her fat sprite. Keep up the good work.
What does Varona need? I have 10 of each suppliment, but I'm can't figure out what she wants
She needs a special item you can find in the laboratory at the castle. (check the medicine cabinets there)
Have Lucia eat 10 Ambrosia (the raw version) and then go to sleep in the lab.
The largest model for Lucia has stray pixels at the top of the model when facing nort
Yeah. A few of them have some stray pixels here and there. Haven't gotten around to cleaning them up yet, but thankfully its a fairly easy fix.
What is the sequence of events to get “Believe Eve” option?
1. Head into the tavern for the first time and watch the scene.
2. Intervene and fight Mallory for the first time.
3. Head to Beth's house and talk to her.
4. Head back to the tavern and talk to Eve.
5. Head south and find Mallory. Select "Believe Eve" when the option comes up.
Okay so what happened was that when I went back to the tavern after talk/fed Beth, eve wasn’t at the tavern like no sprites are there. I did exactly what you asked but she is still not there. :(
Not sure what's going on there then. Did you find the doctor and go through his scene?
Okay it worked. Thanks for everything. :)
OK I'm going to pick this up. I am having the same problem and have searched Mezeti top to bottom and CANNOT find the doctor. I can only get into the item shop, the tavern which hasn't changed since i intervened in the fight, the inn where I tried renting a room, the abandoned house i got here in, and Beth's house. I can't do Beth's quest because my net is broken, and the Queen's robots won't let me fast travel. I truly cannot see a path forward is this a glitch? Is one of the houses supposed to be unlocked so I can go in?
OK I found the answer on another site but noone seems to have put it here so I will answer my own question
It has to be NIGHT in Mezeti to find him. I forgot you could pass time by napping
Can someone help with he Secret Flowers quest? I have no idea where to go after accepting it other than just mindlessly wandering around the forest
Try interacting with the abandoned shrine in the forest. Should give you the answer you need :)
Thanks :
Okay so what happened is that when I went back after the “intervene” scene, she is not at tavern and I tried everything between skipping a few days to restarting the story. I don’t know what’s missing. Also I already fed Beth every time to work but she is not there still.
Ah. that's the wrong choice. Since only one sister will be left. The event can only trigger if you settle things peacefully.
When you confront Mallory in the large hunting ground area, you need to pick "Believe Eve". You'll fight Mallory and after winning, Eve will show up and then both will head back to the tavern. Then once you sleep the event can trigger.
This is my last question. What is eve’s request? Because I always skip dialogues. :(
To find her sister. Head south of the Mezeti. You'll notice the guards that were there before are missing.
Head further south and a cutscene will playout. Your option there will dictate what happens between the two sisters.
Okay so I fed Beth and the guards are still there. I’m so confused.
Did you talk to Eve in the tavern after the original scene with Mallory played out?
1. Talk to Eve once its all over.
2. She'll ask for help finding her sister.
3. Head south into the meadow area (The Guards should be gone)
4. Watch the scene. The choice you makes will dictate how it plays out.
Hope that helps....
Thanks that should help.:)
Will it still going to trigger if Beth is already fed? Also, how do I open mezeti inn?
Yup. The event requires Beth to be at maximum size. The Inn isn't needed since you can use Beth's house to rest.
Yup. The event requires Beth to be at maximum size. The Inn isn't needed since you can use Beth's house to rest.
I have a question, How do you get the tavern cutscene after your first visit?
you need to complete eve's request first and then feed beth. (if beth was eaten by mallory, that event cannot trigger)
the game is lagging
Yup. I think I've found the cause of the issue and fixing a couple of other issues too.
It's actually being upload now.
Hey man,it's playing its FAT project its, it's not running fps 0 in joiplay
Unfortunately the game is designed for a PC. So sometimes you will have issues trying to the run the game through an emulator.
I will try and find a way to fix the issue if possible.
my character isn't gaining any weight no matter what I do, in fact they're losing weight whenever I try to get them full.
the full meters are messy to.
Did you update to 1.8.4?
That should fix all those issues.
thank you
Bug report: the minotaurus have negative health and another stat.
And i know it's not a bug but an exploit, but you can use can save after you win in the casino and double your money until you reach 9999 and you can obtain 49995 money in the first pretty easily(i am at the 6th day and i have ~4500 weight just by buyng items and cooking foods to increase stats I've beat the slime amalgamation too.
Ok minotarus stats in the bestiary change i don't know why but I they had -15 hp -99magic attack, now they have -174 magic attack and 135 hp
That is rather peculiar. They shouldn't have negative stats at all.... So not sure what's going on there. I'll have a suss.
Yeah, the casino is meant to be exploited. Hence why some prices are quite inflated around the place. I could disable saving in their, but that's not fun. So I'm leaving it as it is :P
Ok, if you want i can send you the screenshot
No that's all good! I managed to work out what it was. For some reason, it kept adding stats each time. So, that's why the numbers kept increasing (and in some cases, decreasing...)
there is a problem with using items in battle where it brings up the field menu and removes you from battle then for battles with scenes either showing the before battle scene and restarting the fight or showing the after battle win scene after you close the field menu
Hmm. that's really odd. Which items in particular? Is it all of them? Some probably might need to be changed so they can't be used in battle
i am not sure if it is all of them i found this while trying to use hp restoring items i think you should make sure those work right or make items meant for healing during battle as those are the only items worth using in battle
I did manage to work out a counter measure so it wouldn't cause the battle to crash.
Was kind of funny just having battles end randomly when i was testing though :P
have one issue in joiplay i think. it dosent show the quests sadly.
Hmm. I think that's just a resolution issue sadly. Screen is probably too small to render the entire plugin so it cuts off.
Can you click on it to display requirements? If not, I'll try set-up an "Active Quest" bar in the HUD so you can see what's needed without having to access the screen itself.
ive clicked on it, tried Sizing though the options. sadly didnt work.
Hmm. I'll see what I can do to fix it
the game is soft locking after queen appears during the slime queen quest
Hmm what do you mean? The Queen shouldn't appear during the Slime Queen's quest. Unless it's two events clashing at the same time.
I'll add in a temporary measure to block the Slime Queen quest from happening if the Queen battle is going to occur.
So I was going through Jessica's side quest until I got her ultimate and goddess meal. Instead of giving me the amount that it said, it gave me like 30 Fullness and it keeps resetting my increased full gauge when I go somewhere. There also another problem and its from Isabelle. Isabelle always has a skull when she is full and/or digested.
Hmmm.... That's very odd indeed. I think I missed a number in there somewhere.... I'll add it to my list of fixes.
What do you mean a skull? Like a status condition?
yes. It’s always there when Isabelle’s food has been digested.
Ah. That's the Overstuffed state. So basically, if you exceed your maximum fullness (press 2 on the keyboard to get an exact number), you receive a debuff. Seems like it's not disappearing when you drop below the threshold though which is annoying...
w do i start the game on android, please help.Edit: it isn't in .apk format, it's just a bunch of files
you need to look for the .exe and upload it to joiplay
Yeah, it was the first time I tried RPG Maker's android/ios bundling. It sucks.
So I would recommend just using the windows version and using JoiPlay.
Edit: it's leggy on mobile with joiplay
So, I went back to the tavern when I was done doing my monster quests and it froze my game. Its froze in Mezeti's tavern. Also, I'm having trouble with the ladder at the other side of the sewers.
Yeah, that issue is fixed in 1.8 (which will be coming out soon). That ladder becomes accessible only if you lose to the Queen. if you beat her, it won't (it basically just takes you back into the castle.
is there an option for the steal in the eating competition to go back to spamming a and b? or is it all combos now?
It's all combos now. The reason I changed it for more general use. If you use a controller, there are no inputs you can use sadly since it requires specifically the A and B key on the keyboard.
If you do find it too fast, the upcoming 1.8 update increases the timer again so it shouldn't be as difficult to complete.
ok cool. i play on my android joiplay is why i ask. sweet that was my biggest problem with it. thank you
When i meet the doctor near the end of the game before fighting the queen a second time it freezes
It shouldn't. Can you give me as much information as possible? Like party members and such? It could be an issue with overlapping events or potentially just lag since i know that area has some lag issues....
Ok so if you have yourself or with eria the game freezes.
When you lose to the queen in the castle you look for the doctor with the security. When you find him and betray the security right after the fight the game freezes.
Interesting. Thanks! I'll look into it and see if there's something causing it to freeze.
how do you get out of liamargia?
Once you beat the Queen, you can talk to Tiana then the owner of the Casino. From there, you can use the boat to travel to the next area.
How can I get the VIP Pass without doing Anna's questline? And also where can I find a construction worker?
You can get a VIP pass by buying 25000 gold worth of chips from the casino (just buy and sell, they have equal values)
Check Uptown, in the small laneway on the right hand side of the casino
Hey, i just wanted to say that i'm really enjoying the game and i think that you made a great job.
Thank you! I'm glad your enjoying it! :D
I hope you make more RPGmaker games in the future.