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I'm unable to open the app on Mac. It says "The application 'Game' can't be opened." There's no option in security to force open it either; it's not like it's a security warning.

I believe it needs to be run through the command line and you need Node.js installed. 

Based on what i've seen from Google. 

When I was using Lilith's card ''Lilith reincarnation', when have the  status 'world spell', and enemy HP is below 100, at the start of the next turn, the enemy's HP will be decreased to 0, but they still alive, at this time, if press 'end turn', then they will be defeated, but if you try to use a card to attack them, then will show 'Type Error, Cannot read property isEnemy of undefine'. (very strange I can't upload pictures now). It seems like something is wrong with is status?

Also, very interesting, if this time you choose to surrender, you can lose when your enemy HP is 0. Both of you will be 0

If use a card that will not attack enemy, you also can win after the card is used.

I decided to move my old save file  newer version and every time I get a little far into it this is what happens

And I said to do this before I started the secret boss fight She double checked if it was the boss fight

and this is the boss fight 

Got any recommendations to solve this problem

I just start playing today well it's actually in the middle of the night for me 950pm should really get to bed

Saves won't carry over I'm afraid. I should have mentioned this one :/


well, I don’t mind starting all over. Thanks for the fun and also too. I can’t wait to fight that boss. Again, I really like to update graphics


I just ran into the enemy is undefined problem on a new save and it happened because of an interaction between Demonic Decay and Embodiment of Baal resulting in the opponent having 0 hp before I could attack and it not ending the battle. After attacking it popped up the enemy is undefined and I couldn't continue. I hade to close the program.

For some reason after starting a new game in 8.6, everyone's already around 300cm, I think one even started around 500. Any explanation for this?

That's normal. Since too many would be eliminated on the first day. 

The height brackets have been increased alongside it, so they are relatively the same strength wise as before. 

Ah, fair enough


The new UI is amazing! I love it so much.

I have a few questions though.

The card 'Blood Moon Rise' needs card 'vazathia, queen of demons', how can I get this card? Is it can be bought from shop or to defeat vazathia(I already defeat vazathia, but I don't see this card).

Also Porschia always says the old flame need to find out more, but I already bought all her other rumors, so what do I still need to do?

Is the new two places just a place for unlock the packs, seems no ending for the three new characters. The two places are wonderful designs!

By the way, the new UI will make Lilth's shop the price and the card don't match, a little strange but not a big problem.

I find the old flame usage, but after I defeat Lilth's old master, if press ???, the music and the place name will show ‘Litlth's shop', but the background is where you press ???,and seems can't buy anything.

Also, in the new version, get a new card, like defeat Izel or ???, can't see how the card looks like. In the new card deck edit UI it is sometimes hard to find a certain type of card, can't see what a new card looks like make it worse.

Will this get released to Linux? I normally can do some file wizardry to get a windows copy of RPGMV games to play directly in Linux, but this one seems to be too complicated or involved for a simple switch. Thanks!

Sadly it is a little tricky. Even rpg maker itself doesn't have linux functionality. 

Usually running it through a VM in your linux system is probably easier. But i will look and see if it can be done :)

Thank you so much! 

I know a few games made in RPG Maker have been directly compiled into linux, and I can usually port over the assets from a windows game to the Linux executable (I did that for Project F.A.T without issue), but the more complicated games like this one don't port well with my primitive method.

When fighting Diana the first time, her height 5950cm, she will disapper in the new UI

It seems like Diana and like ??? do not have their own, and new UI covered their own background.

Yup I'm aware of that one. It's sadly a bit more complicated than I wanted it to be so it's taking a bit more time to fix up 

How to get succubus in new versions

The gossip girl in the casino sells many "secrets" for height. You need to sacrifice some height to her to unlock being able to access the island at the pier during night time if I remember correctly. Be warned however there will be a savage series of fights you'll have to win that will make Valeria look easy. If you can defeat the general suppressing the succubuses despite her chance to unleash absolutely MASSIVE damage then the deck theme will be unlocked in the standard shop.

(2 edits)

The new version will start with ' fail to load  img/CGC/bases/Default.png ',can retry to go in.

Just press Retry. The image actually exists so no idea why it does that to be honest :/

Hi NickSav

You said the image already exists but that isn't completely accurate.  In the project there is an img_CGC/bases/Default.png_   This is the encrypted version of the Default.png file.  From what I can see there are 2 possible solutions.  Include the Default.png unencrypted or find the code that is calling the unencrypted file and convert it to using the encrypted file.

On my own I found a reference to the unencrypted file in the MYTH_CGC_CoreEngine.js file.  So I'm not sure how feasible it would be to convert this to using encrypted files.  Also I don't know if there are any other references to the unencrypted file.


How to make alliance?

I believe it's a mixture of having some matches with the intended person as well as choosing the right response when chatting with them. it'll take more than just a couple correct chat responses to get the alliance started.

My experience was it that you had to chat with them and provide their expected answer 5+ times. If you're already in an alliance when the prompt for them to join should triggered, it will skip the prompt.


Shame you really underestimated your ETA for the next free patch, but I'd rather have proper bug  fixing work done than a quick release. Just steadfastly work on the bug fixing. It's often a few months or so between free patches anyways so a week or so later is no big.

Mr Nick has The secret boss bug been fixed yet or do I need to go to the Patreon if you're currently busy I'm sorry for taking your time but also make sure to take a break, please

Almost :)
Xmas period is always tough. Have a few days off so should be able to make some good progress :D

That’s good to hear

Man, i'm so loss on how to win in this game.  When battling opponents 600 or less its crazy easy, when i fight anyone 900 or higher i get stomped into the ground...literally.   

Are there any tips or tricks used to combat the harder gals? 

I have a tactic, which I call a madman gambit

Basically, you will need Bella the first and quick recovery. You will understand why I call it mad man’s gambit if you use it.

I'll take any assistance with this.  What pack is Bella the first in?  what's the exact deck you use (cards and amount (also what pack each card should be in)).  I really want to enjoy this deck builder but it isn't too fun only beating the weakest of the bunch.

I think it’s the succubus pack or the Demon pack I cannot remember, but I know it’s in one of those I cannot remember, which is which try to pack card first and it could be that and also to remember it’s a double edge sword

I got the exact cards needed and yeah.... it slaps, thanks for the advice!!!  One more question, how does one team up with another?  I've talked to each girl at least 5 different times, do i have to do something else

I only know if one for now, basically you need to keep the priest, the girl and the battle, for how many days until the god awakens and do great in your aunts, I believe you need to give your points to her of height, but also to talk to the bunny girl, if that’s the trigger, which should be in the casino on the side room floor

make this deck expensive and practically invincible mix of demons succubus corrupted fairies if I'm not mistaken zombies also because of that card that spends 10 mana

I actually made a decent deck with the advice on using Belial the first cards. I do wonder though, is there a way to permanently increase your mama? Like instead of starting a fight with 10/10 you start with like 15/15?

Dude, I didn't find out if this function exists. But with the deck I showed, I already defeated the game's boss several times until it lost its fun and I went on to do other things like you can only lose if you want with this deck.

(1 edit)

When you are in any battle in the select cards to attack phase, if you click on the up key, the buttons freeze and you can't do anything other than restart

It's about a the original creator is currently fixing

more and the bug of this secret boss that I released the game gives the error exactly in the card that drops in battle

That's why I'm referring to

(1 edit)

This duel has a bug that stops every time the sitting woman card appears.and a card that is not from my deck that is dropped in battle

Tell me, how did you discover this boss? What conditions must be met?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm guessing you already know this bug since it seems fairly gamebreaking and easy to encounter, but I'll just give my experience. There are several instances where remove and exile are confused in the game. This occurs both on card descriptions and in how the game treats your deck. For example the fire sprite in galactic says it brings back removed cards when it brings back exiled cards, I think Parasitic Succubus does this same confusion too. That brings me to the real problem. For some reason in both my Dark Fairy and Parasitic deck, when I start removing cards I can no longer accurately search cards in the discard deck. I noticed it in my Dark Fairy deck first but just recently when I was trying out Parasitic I noticed the glitch again and then somehow I retrieved a set of wrong cards again using Rapid Recovery except it included a second Card Destruction when I only had one of the card in my deck.

Playing version 7.9 win

Wow, am I a bug magnet or something? Just locked up my game by using parasitic zombie with less than 4 cards to mill.

Yeah. I'm working on modifying a bunch of cards to ensure that they account for deck count so it doesn't happen hopefully.


Good to know make sure to get a A lot of rest and hopefully on Christmas Day


When will the next free patch update be available?

It's actively being worked on. Last year when the maker attempted to rush it out just before Christmas it ended up a buggy mess that actively required the players to modify the game files just so that it wouldn't error out near immediately.

The maker clearly can't handle rushing work well and bug fixing often takes a lot longer than one  expects. The maker was actually hoping to get the next free patch out by now, but various bugs set him back.

Can you put the download link directly on the itch site? Instead of going to the mega disk via an extra link, or can you switch to another disk? I may be rude to say this, but I did have trouble downloading.

Help! I accidentally kicked the girl out of the team, and now I can't invite her back. What should I do?


If i'm not mistaken things are currently bugged to where you can't get an other ally for the run if you lose your first ally for whatever reason. All you can do is roll back to a save before you lost the ally.

So generally if you "remove your ally" without it naturally happening, their relationship value hits a very large negative. Technically it's possible to get them back, but it will take a long time.

No, you don't understand! I kicked an ally out of the group, but HE was still part of my group, and I kind of didn't kick him out of the group, but I kicked him out. I don't have him as an ally, but at the same time he was my ally on the map in the dialogues.

What would count as an ally being removed in a natural way then?


Don't feel pressured to get it out before Christmas. It's fine to delay things a little if it means getting in a proper play test run that hits various features so that you can be certain players won't be hitting a mess of bugs.


For all those having trouble with the ??? fight:

In my experience, she tends not to use the Cruel Destiny move (the one responsible for the crash) unless you're smaller than her. So, obviously, going in with even more height will insulate you (somewhat) from that. She also can't crash your game if she never gets a turn--stunning her with Eye Of The Storm (legendary rarity, found in Base Set packs) can keep her locked down long enough for you to chip her away. You have exactly enough MP to cast Eye Of The Storm and Rapid Recovery on the same turn, and you can use the Rapid Recovery to return Eye Of The Storm and a second Rapid Recovery to your hand, letting you loop her forever.

Of course, the seven damage from Eye Of The Storm is never going to get over her regeneration, so you'll need to be able to play other cards. You'll also run out of cards in hand eventually, since Eye Of The Storm requires you to discard a card as well. Enter Boundless Mana. Found in Coven packs, it applies the Mana Confluence buff for three turns, which gives you an extra 2 max MP and causes you to draw a second card at the start of your turn. Fighting her on New Game Plus is also highly recommended, since it gives you access to the incredible card Galatea, Endbringer. The Breast form gives you a permanent +5 Max MP and some other stuff that's nice but not necessary for this fight, and if you play her enough times, you'll get a True Stomp, which should kill her dead in one hit. She's tough to resolve, given the 10 MP cost, but that's why the deck should be full of any and all ways to stack MP growth. And a little RNG to push past a couple of turns, and just hope it doesn't blow up in your face. You saved before you started the fight, right?

The deck I used to beat her:

  • 4x Intimidating Aura
  • 1x The First Giantess
  • 1x Eye Of The Storm
  • 2x Reckless Greed
  • 1x Dark Contract
  • 1x Reversal
  • 1x Astral Alignment
  • 1x Mana Flooded Fairy
  • 1x Boundless Mana
  • 1x Unbreakable Resolve
  • 1x Galatea, Endbringer

where is dark contract, unbreakable resolve and how you ether get galatea or endbringer?


"Galatea, Endbringer" is the full name of a single card--you receive it at the start of a new run, after you win and see the credits.

Dark Contract is from the Base Set, at Epic rarity (10DP, max 2 per deck)

Unbreakable Resolve is a common, I think? It's in the Succubus set. It gives Regen 2, Max HP Boost 2, and Max MP Boost 1, so if you can't find it, Mana Geode from the Base Set is also fine--it gives MP Boost but not the other effects. I went with Unbreakable Resolve because I was starting the fight missing a bunch of HP already, and that didn't fly with me.

(1 edit)

thx i just started playing and when i saw this i thought bet ima try this i got like a hour or two if i fail several times thx for the info. im using beilia the first from the sucubis deck her damge is at 500

is 1000 damage garentee from a card is enough to fight the boss becuse now beilia the first dose 1050 damage is that enough to beat the first giantess boss?

Not even close. She has something like 60,000 HP and heals 6,000 per turn. If you don't have Galatea, you'll have to go with a different strategy, applying Bleed and Decay to wear her down with %-based damage.

what cards give bleeding?

Mainly zombie deck theres one from the succubus deck double attack each 50% chance to bleed

how to fix error? when i fight with "???" 

Working on it :) Plan to upload fixes and a new version hopefully before Xmas.

Does Noir have an ending?How can I unlock her ending, she's the killer in the Dark Alley.

Not just yet :(

Wait this game [Demo] got updated on October i didn't even know cool


the best Deck it's one to steal/gain height or HP and light with less cards possible I recommend Belial (Succubus Deck)


¿How can I alliance with anyone? ¿Can you add a option to revive someone? something like give 200 height so to someone or something.  btw ¿Is there a Discord SV or something?

there's an easy method to prevent someone from getting KO'd in the first place. the goddess statue in the temple. Might need to talk to the secret telling person in the casino to unlock it however.


I know but I mean something to bring back someone after death


Ok, we need a wiki for this game or at least a card viewer (for those you didn't  got 'em)


I'm working on a "living" card compendium which should in theory let me easily update itself by reading the game files when i compile it. 

so in theory.... should be golden :D

(1 edit)

I mean, I'm right now looking for a card to counter Orphelia's photosynthesis and Titania's Steal, So I wanna know my possible options, more cards to steal height plz

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game, by far the best card game i have ever played. a few minor issues, 1, the Summoning cards like the demon deity, and other summon cards simply crash the game when you try to use them. 2, editing the decks to be invalid and not fixing it before you try to leave will cause a popup that can't be closed with the touch controls. 3, the conditional cards with indirect effects like demonic decay, apocalypse and demon castle zekial don't give obvious effects, they do as intended, but no effect occurs on screen  to indicate successful use. (edited.)

Heads up if you trying to find the hidden boss her battle is super buggy and you probably never beat it cause of 2 bugs she gives you a card that crashes the game two for some reason succubus amd i think demon bugs her battle if you have a full hand of only succubus cards it read null empty hand i think and game crashes

Hmm. I may need to check these out a bit closer. But i will be releasing an update hopefully soon to address the large majority of these. Since a few are game ending which is no good. 

just farm size with Succubus or Galacty cards (Succubus easy version, Galacty harder) my MC got 1K per day xD

the game doesn't let me save

The game does let you save but it's at the end of everyday How to say if you have to fight three people at the end of the day if I'm remembering right

You need to wait until the end of the day and it will prompt you to save. If you haven't unzipped the game files though, it will always block it. 

I have modified this in the next version so you just can save whenever.

good to know

(1 edit)

i have error "TypeError Cannot read property'_cardHand' of null"

it was card cruel of destiny

in boss fight with ???

How to fix it?

In file this card name is CruelReality

That’s the crash everyone else is talking about. It’s being looked at.



I hope your Thanksgiving was good. Make sure to take breaks especially fixing hot fixes. I know they’re not easy fix but at least you’re taking it slow and steady. I hope but if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s OK to take a break if you need to.

How can I get Devorah? I've been on the cultist island so long I think she isn't a drop from there...

Also as a note, apparently dissolving an alliance doesn't remove the alliance interactions. I seemingly can't get a new ally after dissolving an alliance either.

(1 edit)

(Short form IF beating the "???" Is do able right now) Any current way to beat the "???" Boss with out crashing? I tried with out the succubus archetype and mainly with max hp decrease and posion fire rotting it works for a bit but them "???" Uses that one card skill and it just crashes the whole game

Sadly not just yet :( 

I do have some fixes ready to go. Just making sure they also don't break immediately...

Even if it will be, if I have bad deck, it will be impossible to get into this fight and win it somehow, I will have to start again, right? :/

I bet it would be game over and you have to reset the battle best bet is just % damage like rotting, posion, fire max hp decrease which only lasts a few turns 

how to fix?

i have error "TypeError Cannot read property'_cardHand' of null"

what cards to use with fairy to win against all bosses?

how you make a new save

Just start a new game use a different slot.


I really enjoyed this. The tournament format is already cool on its own, adding a deckbuilding manager to this makes the game really engaging. Lots of different girls of all shapes and sizes to choose from and gradually watch your favorites grow (some hot imagery on some of the cards, too). You even included characters from your previous game, which is the kind of thing I always enjoy from creators. I'd go as far as to say this is currently one of the best giantess games available, especially if one doesn't mind AI art.

But seeing as you're still updating this, I thought you would appreciate getting to know about some bugs in the current version (all of this is about the free version available here)

  1. Battle messages occasionally show leftovers from the RPG Maker templates. For example, if your char's name is Mary and you get hit by stuff like the burning effect it says "Mary%1 is bleeding heavily" instead of just "Mary is bleeding heavily".
  2.  I saw some talk about Gisele having a one-hit kill move in the comments, and it seems she still has it. Maybe it's because I was allied with her, but when I fought her she would sometimes use "Eye of Dominance" which would do like 1590 damage, way higher than any other attack.
  3. The "???" fight doesn't work, got a "can not read property '_cardHand' of null" error once she added some new card into my deck. Seems I'm not the only one to experience this. At least it's optional.
  4. When you first talk to Izel in the Decaying Gardens, there's a brief bit where Sonia's sprite randomly shows up, even if she was eliminated a long time ago. 
  5. You can only donate three digits worth of height to your ally at a time, but this seems like a pointless limitation since you can just go to the Goddess and donate to the same girl without limits. 
  6. The Goddess in the Temple stops updating her list around day 10 or so. For example, in my playthrough Liliane and Phatrelle eventually got eliminated, but the list still had them. On the other hand, there were a few late newcomers like Estelle who were never added to the list no matter how many times I checked.
  7. Speaking of elimination, not sure how much of a bug this is, but the smaller girls can drop into negative height during the day yet still somehow regain just enough to not be eliminated for the night. In my playthrough, in the latter days there was a bunch of girls who were constantly like -300 or -1000 during the day but for the final showcase they always somehow gained just enough height to go back into 150+. 

Lastly, this one isn't really a bug but just something to consider. Like I mentioned, this game is generally fun and engaging, but I'd be lying if I said the latter days weren't a chore. After a certain point, I got stuck in a routine where nothing seemed to progress. There was just me, my ally, and seven other girls, of which only three were decently strong, and the other four were constantly on the brink of elimination yet never quite there (see point 7). I appreciate that there are a few side quests to change things up, like Lilith or The First Giantess, but even with them I still largely spent the second half of my playthrough just battling the same girls over and over until Valeria finally was small enough to resign. I feel like there'd be an easy fix for this if you just allowed us to place bigger wagers than normal when fighting Valeria. Celestia and Izel allow for this, so why not her? Instead of chipping away at Valeria with wagers of 70-80 cm per battle (Succubus and Titania cards raise this to around 250, but that's still not much) you could place, say, wagers up to 500 cm, vastly speeding up the process. Just something I thought would really help make the late days less repetitive.

You have a really cool project going here, and I think it could be even better with some polish.

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