On arena inside at night time there's a black market NPC vendor that sells 1 each of a few different things. 2 of them are what you desire and there's a 3rd item that's also very useful must buy.
Coven requires buying Deck points from the shop keeper until she gets punished succubus and dark fairy's require completing events after buying their "rumor" from the casino side room bunny
Does anyone know of a glossary of the keywords on cards? I can't figure out how to see what something like "Mechanise" or "Graveborn" does aside from trial and error.
I dont know if this game is difficult or if I'm just bad at building decks. are there any good deck/ card combos that arent too much of a pain in the butt to track down
I would recommend using the Fairy Commune as a beginner deck. Try using cards like Fairy Queen to increase your damage and heals but mainly use Fairy Fire it will deal 1 damge but it will increase by 1 damage everytime you use it and also use Take Flight while in hand it will heal 1 hp at the being at your turn and when play gain 3 hp and draw. This game is difficult but don't be afraid to try new decks.
Could you change the card menu's to a page system instead of a scrolling one that slingshots back to the top? It makes deck building a pain and can impact performance when the player try's to collect every card.
I figured out what the problem was. I was swapping the card out at the same time I was using another card. What I meant to say is that you need to put one card away and save it just in case. Then you can come back and put the other card in. I think that is a bug of some kind.
i've been playing this game for a couple of days and it's very, very good!
though i have some questions and i hope someone could help me.
1)i use galactic, i looked at the card compendium (excel file) and saw that some of those cards can only be obtained in Dimensional set, so how do i unlock this set?
2) i noticed that "galactic size mage" has it's own height and that what she steal is added to her own. what does she gain when she has more height? or is it simply a bug?
3) i've made an alliance with Anya and she's over 11000 cm tall, but i look at the gallery and the last images are still locked. Are there some special conditions i must meet? what should i do? (also are there different endings depending if an ally wins the tournament?)
4)any advice on how to deal with the succubus quest? the very first enemy on the quest almost one shotted me
1) If i'm not mistaken both dimensional and galatic are in the same pack. It's similiar to how the fairy pack used to contain both normal and dark fairies.
2)interesting observation but i've never really played with the galactic set sadly since I wanted a more straight forward play style.
3)final image will unlock at 2000-2400 height. odds are you had too big a jump in height causing you to skip over earlier images and the gallery unfortunately does nothing to communicate which stages have been skipped over. If donating height through the statue I recommend 150 at a time or something close to it to help prevent skipping through stages.
4) Titania at arena inside night time sells some very special stuff. 3 out of 4 of the things are very useful stuff. The HP Booster gives you 5 max HP permenantly every time you go to sleep. If the HP booster isn't enough for your purposes then win 3 games at the casino so that you visit the VIP lounge. The VIP lounge sells a comsumable HP booster that grants permenant 10 max HP for each one comsumed.
4b) if you think the first enemy in succubus quest hit hard the final boss the quest could one shot valeria if it decides to bring out a certain attack. first time I attempted that particular boss I got WTFBOOMED by a 4k damage hit on the first turn. 2nd time I attempted the boss I luckily didn't see the attack again over a dozenish turns.
5) you need to donate thousands of height for each stage of growth on the statue. You'll need to donate away on order of tens of thousands of height in order to trigger the major event.
thank you very much for the help, but i tried the defenders of the cosmos and found only 1 dimensional card and nothing else, so maybe i there is a somewhere else i can obtain those cards.
while i'm at it i will ask another question, i just obtained the card "the first giantess" and considering the VERY ominous warnings they gave... is there a bad ending tied to this card?
Only other possibilities for obtaining nearly any card is Lilith's shop which sells random cards individually and the blackjack victory booster which supposedly has any card.
Judging from the other comments I read there's apparently a very crashy boss fight tied to that card. Just using it a few times won't trigger the arrival of the fight where you practically can't let the boss take a turn or else the game will crash though. If you intend to use the card more than 4 times/gain 10k height though be prepared for the possibility of being ambushed by the boss then.
They got moved to the challenging Succubus Island side quest. The final boss of that side quest has a chance to use a rather nuclear attack so if you aren't packing tons of firepower you could get OKHO'd before you can whittle down the boss.
On my third loop and can't bring my self to do the fairy side quest again. Anyways
-Dia, Fragment of gluttony targets and heals the opponent instead of the player
-Lilith old flame event has "Reversed" outcomes where giving her away allows you to reenter the shop and do the event again while saving her locks you out for good in that loop.
For fun I checked what Valeria's height is in Inches and at the start (she's around 2500 I think) is only about 984 inches which is 82 feet yet she is meant to be somewhere around kaiju size right? As in as tall as a skyscraper. Which made me realize that you might be using the wrong unit of measurement if I was correct. Granted 82 feet tall is still huge but it doesn't quite fit the story. Like I said this is more of a story problem not a gameplay one.
Hey! Parasitic Mage/Sorcerer (Can't remember right now), doesn't work like the other cards. When discarded it only adds to the hand once and will never retrigger. Also parasitic duplicates don't work for each just the first one activated, not sure if that's intentional or not.
Also, I realy enjoy the battle scaling! It's a little buggy sometimes but it's a nice addition!
Yeah, I noticed this when trying to build a Parasitic Magus + Parasitic Succubus deck. In my experience, the first copy of a Parasite you discard will spawn a second copy to your hand, but you can't get any additional copies of that particular Parasite until you play one, but you CAN get more copies if you later discard it again after playing one. (Except for Parasitic Magus, haha)
Hello. Thank you for answering my questions and I hope you can answer these new ones.
1.- Is version 8.6 compatible with version 9 that you mentioned?
2.- I got the lowest Patreon membership, but I see that it doesn't contain version 9. Will that version be released for that membership and if not, what membership is it to get version 9 of the game?
3.- I've seen quite a few changes, so my question is; is the number of times you have to talk to the other participants to get an alliance maintained or has it increased like several things?
4.- If you enter into a duel with one of the participants, would it subtract from the times you've talked to her?
5.- In version 8.6 or already in version 9. If you get the largest size, will you unlock all the images or do we have to unlock each image, gradually increasing the size of all of them?
6.- Both the challengers (unlocked with Porschia) as well as the knight and the swordswoman; if you lose, would they grow and have images?
7.- I know it's not the game here, but it's also part of your games so I hope it doesn't bother you. Is there any new update for Growing vengeance remake v 0.71?
I thank you in advance for the information and I reiterate that it is a very good game, fun and now it is a little bit difficult because before it was too easy.
Do you have a Discord server? If not that is ok I was just curious. One more thing I have a save file for each of the girls you can choose from but it can be hard to tell which one is which. Is there any plans for some sort of icon to appear on the save files to help make it easier to tell which one is which?
I enjoy this game so I'm going to mention some of the problems I found that I didn't see in the comments even if I'm not playing the latest version.
Blessings of Baal - breaks the players health bar making them immortal and if the opponent uses a drain card they also become immortal making closing the game the only option.
The fairy side quest - up until the final minion fight all the others immediately give up I don't know if it's intentional or not. -The minions you fight before the final boss part all have stupid high HP for the damage fairy cards put out. 1500hp then 2500hp after being dropped to 700 hp I managed to cut down a battle to around 15 mins by burning away all my cards until I only had the special heal card and fairy hunter.
-I cant disable battle animations even though I can't see them because of the background, This is has caused me to actively avoid cards with long animations tied to them.
-Some eliminated characters are still being treated as in the game but they can never be seen on the map.
Anyways I enjoy the game, stumbling into an ending because I wanted to keep the last two characters from being eliminated was funny and got me a pretty nice card for the NG+
I think he meant the attack animations, not the growth.
Now, the thing I'D love to see, is the removal of the brief delay when Emerge or Graveborn keywords trigger. But then, I suppose killing a 4000 HP boss in an infinite loop of two damage at a time should be painfully slow. As they once said, "the punishment for polypiling is polypiling."
how does E.L.U.N.E card work?,tried using it and couldn't figure it's gimmick so do I need to use upgrades before playing her on field or after playing her?.
How many times do you have to defeat Valeria in the castle before more stuff happens. I've won against her several times now and it doesn't seem like anything is changing (aside from the others growing some).
Also, great game. Its a lot of fun to play.
(If the developer sees this, I hope you enjoy working on this, because its really good!)
beating valeria can actually be surprisingly finicky. If you're spending too much on shop boosters she'll never be defeated because the true loose condition is her height dropping to to some value below 200. You and several other competitors are going to have to chip at her repeatedly so that she finally loses most of her height. I strongly recommend using the statue at the temple to boost a number of contestants big enough so that they can regularly beat valeria so that she'll finally be defeated. You don't even need to beat valeria all that many times yourself. It's just you'll need several contestants to constantly bully her so that she'll finally lose most of her height.
there's a number of hidden boss endings. also I suspect the ending that plays after valeria's defeat is based on which contestant is tallest currently. I've personally gotten the ending from a boss battle at the shrine a couple times myself.
I was going to get a Patreon membership again and I saw that there is a new free update. I checked some comments and took the opportunity to download the free game. My questions are:
1.- Each update will you have to start over again? Why else would you just dedicate yourself to finishing the game as quickly as possible and see only the new things that have been added.
2.- In this or in the Patreon updates, if you finish the game, do you now identify which is the tallest character and thus get the ending?
3.- I also see that there are already many more endings and characters that may require certain requirements to get their endings. Will you get, will there be or will you have a guide?
4.- What is the most recommended deck to start with in this new update?
5.- They mentioned that there are changes in the heights; I suppose then to get the different images; will you have new size ranges and if that is it. So for Valeria is it still the same height to get endings or is it already another one?
6.- Regarding the Patreon update, which is the best way to start over?
Well, for now these are my doubts and it is very nice to see the improvements you are making.
1. Eventually no. You won't need to start over for new updates. The last few have changed some early mechanics and triggers, so if you reload a save it will break some interactions as they are initialised at the start of the game.
2. The 9.0 update will yes. It will check each time fights happen to determine the tallest.
3. Once the game is finished yes, I'll write up a guide for the endings and requirements for unlocking characters / special packs
4. In terms of raw power, Demons are probably the best. But be careful of your health since most Demon cards will use health as well as mana. Otherwise Fairy cards received a buff.
5. Most endings now trigger at 8000 or more height now and Valeria's will trigger at 10000.
6. For 9.0 you will need to start again I'm afraid as I changed A LOT. This should hopefully be the last time though.
I dunno about the Patreon update, but with Succubus being locked, I'd look into Gladiators. There's some CHEESE you can do with the Forced Retreat card, which spawns two copies of Fleeing Gladiator in your deck. It barely does any damage, but its Withdraw effect causes you to recover one MP... and those effects go off not just when you return a card from your hand to the deck, but even just reshuffling the discard pile into the deck will trigger it. So you can quickly get to a point where you can just play nothing but Fleeing Gladiator on loop and go infinite. (It'll still take forever to actually kill the enemies, and the Gladiator card that says it buffs Gladiator's damage is bugged and doesn't actually work, but if a particular foe is really getting under your skin, this'll take them out.)
I also underrated Zombies for a long time, but there's some similar MP Cheese with the Zombie Corpse mechanics. Playing a Zombie Corpse adds some Human Corpses to the deck, and when those are sent to the discard pile, either via Mill or discarded from your hand, you recover one MP. The cards combo nicely with the Galactic set, which exiles cards from the discard pile to fuel effects. In particular, stuff that adds Galactic Spawn Eggs are a go-to; they lead you to summoning a Galactic Devourer who, when played, exiles your entire discard pile and then permanently gains that much damage. Spend the first few days sandbagging and stalling fights, to get that damage boost ridiculously high, then run a tight, low-card deck that focuses solely on getting a Galactic Devourer in hand ASAP.
Hey. I don't know if you meant to make "Puny Weaklings" so OP but if not, then don't change it. I like doing 2000 in one turn.
I wanted to add that I absolutely love this game and I like playing against this wacky predictable AI more than playing YGO rn.
Also, Make Rachel viewable in the CG menu. She's my favorite.
I wish I could give more stars for this game. The amount of stuff going on EVERYWHERE is just immaculate. I forgot about the corrupted fairy lady and got jump-scared by her a second ago and that genuinely surprised me. So much thought and effort into this game.
Yo dev, I've a question, but before that, a bit of context.
I download the v8.6 and decide to get Succubus deck, notice it's gone, default to Fairy deck (Gluttonous Fairy is still busted with Fairy Coronation btw) and I also decided to stick Take Flight in the starter deck as well...
So, Fairy Queens (and other Fairy heal/damage boosting cards)... are they supposed to also increase the healing that Take Flight gives you on turn start? Because 1; I wasn't expecting that and 2; Fairy deck might've become a bit more busted than it was previously.
Please help me, give me a complete guide on how to find a deck of dark fairies... I talked to Pore at the casino and she said there's a chance to find her in lush places at night. And then how and whether I do it at all?
visit the normal garden (not dark) location at night time. you'll see a special graphic in the sky that you can enter. Dark fairy deck won't be unlocked till you defeat the big boss of the dark fairies. Also be prepared to lose some height when fighting belladana.
you mean this? it only appears in the afternoon and evening, and only when it says who won and who lost, I try to click on it and nothing happens. And at night, it doesn't occur at all, even with dialogs and notifications.
that's the icon. you probably need to talk to the girl who sells secrets for height in the casino in order to unlock being able to acess it. As for you seeing it during afternoon that's more of a visual bug apparently.
Well I just got to the ??? Fight for the first time ever and after I got her HP to 0 the game popped up an error. TypeError Cannot read property 'setSkill' of undefined.
I just got through a fight that ended the run and had me start over from the beginning so I cant change my deck or even have a chance without using The Embodiment of Baal effect. It's the only source of Damage I have for such a long fight.
Edit: I managed to get past the fight by making sure that my absorption effect was active on the last turn so there was another source of damage. For any who are wondering the main damage source for this were the Apocalypse cards they do 200 damage if you have 2000 more height than your opponent.
yeeeeeeeeeessssss I have to say this is my new personal best to get somewhere fast last time it was 20 days but 4 days to get back all the way here nice me nice
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i wonder if the game first demo like 0.1 or 1 is somewhere here?
podrían sacar una versión para android?
Hello, what about the updates? It’s just that there’s silence on the “boosty” page
What kind of cards are there that can steal size?
If you have any recommendations, please let me know
On arena inside at night time there's a black market NPC vendor that sells 1 each of a few different things. 2 of them are what you desire and there's a 3rd item that's also very useful must buy.
how do I extract a folder/zip?
If t
You are on PC download the file > right click > select extract > pick location for extracted files
I’m on iPad
Does anyone else no longer have access to the Succubus, Dark Fairies, and the Coven/Witch packs after the update?
Coven requires buying Deck points from the shop keeper until she gets punished succubus and dark fairy's require completing events after buying their "rumor" from the casino side room bunny
Does anyone know of a glossary of the keywords on cards? I can't figure out how to see what something like "Mechanise" or "Graveborn" does aside from trial and error.
mechanise - triggers in hand
Graveborn - Triggers when discarded
void - remove from discard but recoverable.
remove - deleted from deck or voided it's pretty random but usually it's deleted for the duration of the match.
Has anyone had luck getting the Mac version to work? even using chmod +x isnt getting it to run
Hey, could you maybe use alternative download links? MEGA doesn't work with my computer for some reason...
Or someone here can hand one
Oh that's kinda bizarre :(
I'll see if I can do a google drive / mediafire one.
It's okay! I figured out a way to get through MEGA and download it anyway.
Thank you for caring!
I dont know if this game is difficult or if I'm just bad at building decks. are there any good deck/ card combos that arent too much of a pain in the butt to track down
I would recommend using the Fairy Commune as a beginner deck. Try using cards like Fairy Queen to increase your damage and heals but mainly use Fairy Fire it will deal 1 damge but it will increase by 1 damage everytime you use it and also use Take Flight while in hand it will heal 1 hp at the being at your turn and when play gain 3 hp and draw. This game is difficult but don't be afraid to try new decks.
Could you change the card menu's to a page system instead of a scrolling one that slingshots back to the top? It makes deck building a pain and can impact performance when the player try's to collect every card.
I can echo the sentiment on deck building delays. The scroll bar loses its position too often during deck building.
I've tried to replace two of my cards in my deck and for some reason this keeps happening I have circled the cards These are the troubled child cards
I figured out what the problem was. I was swapping the card out at the same time I was using another card. What I meant to say is that you need to put one card away and save it just in case. Then you can come back and put the other card in. I think that is a bug of some kind.
Does anyone know where to find Varpal i'm really interested and I need help please
i've been playing this game for a couple of days and it's very, very good!
though i have some questions and i hope someone could help me.
1)i use galactic, i looked at the card compendium (excel file) and saw that some of those cards can only be obtained in Dimensional set, so how do i unlock this set?
2) i noticed that "galactic size mage" has it's own height and that what she steal is added to her own. what does she gain when she has more height? or is it simply a bug?
3) i've made an alliance with Anya and she's over 11000 cm tall, but i look at the gallery and the last images are still locked. Are there some special conditions i must meet? what should i do? (also are there different endings depending if an ally wins the tournament?)
4)any advice on how to deal with the succubus quest? the very first enemy on the quest almost one shotted me
5) how do you make the goddess statue grow?
1) If i'm not mistaken both dimensional and galatic are in the same pack. It's similiar to how the fairy pack used to contain both normal and dark fairies.
2)interesting observation but i've never really played with the galactic set sadly since I wanted a more straight forward play style.
3)final image will unlock at 2000-2400 height. odds are you had too big a jump in height causing you to skip over earlier images and the gallery unfortunately does nothing to communicate which stages have been skipped over. If donating height through the statue I recommend 150 at a time or something close to it to help prevent skipping through stages.
4) Titania at arena inside night time sells some very special stuff. 3 out of 4 of the things are very useful stuff. The HP Booster gives you 5 max HP permenantly every time you go to sleep. If the HP booster isn't enough for your purposes then win 3 games at the casino so that you visit the VIP lounge. The VIP lounge sells a comsumable HP booster that grants permenant 10 max HP for each one comsumed.
4b) if you think the first enemy in succubus quest hit hard the final boss the quest could one shot valeria if it decides to bring out a certain attack. first time I attempted that particular boss I got WTFBOOMED by a 4k damage hit on the first turn. 2nd time I attempted the boss I luckily didn't see the attack again over a dozenish turns.
5) you need to donate thousands of height for each stage of growth on the statue. You'll need to donate away on order of tens of thousands of height in order to trigger the major event.
Just figured out that 1) is defenders of cosmos pack in shop.
thank you very much for the help, but i tried the defenders of the cosmos and found only 1 dimensional card and nothing else, so maybe i there is a somewhere else i can obtain those cards.
while i'm at it i will ask another question, i just obtained the card "the first giantess" and considering the VERY ominous warnings they gave... is there a bad ending tied to this card?
Only other possibilities for obtaining nearly any card is Lilith's shop which sells random cards individually and the blackjack victory booster which supposedly has any card.
Judging from the other comments I read there's apparently a very crashy boss fight tied to that card. Just using it a few times won't trigger the arrival of the fight where you practically can't let the boss take a turn or else the game will crash though. If you intend to use the card more than 4 times/gain 10k height though be prepared for the possibility of being ambushed by the boss then.
all right, thanks again for responding.
i will be EXTREMELY carefull while using that card
is there a way to edit the code to do some experiments? because i have beaten the game and want to expiriment with some things now.
did the succubus cards get removed?
They got moved to the challenging Succubus Island side quest. The final boss of that side quest has a chance to use a rather nuclear attack so if you aren't packing tons of firepower you could get OKHO'd before you can whittle down the boss.
The question is, is this how it should be at startup?
Press retry
I clicked on reboot! Yes, the game is working again, but now it happens every time I log into the game! БЕСИТ!
Yeah. I have no idea why it occurs cause the picture is actually in the correct folder. which makes even less sense honestly...
Is it normal for the ??? Boss to only use the cruel destiny card?
No, she should have multiple attacks :(
On my third loop and can't bring my self to do the fairy side quest again. Anyways
-Dia, Fragment of gluttony targets and heals the opponent instead of the player
-Lilith old flame event has "Reversed" outcomes where giving her away allows you to reenter the shop and do the event again while saving her locks you out for good in that loop.
Easy! Noted those down to be fixed :)
can you find out the "an old flame" secret from porcia in the demo version and how do you read the old book?
Yes, you will need to complete the Lilith side event first.
and open the menu, go to items and click on the Old Book to use it
how do i put my save from version 7.9 to 8.6?
You don't. If you try, things will break. Unfortunately, that's just the nature of RPG Maker games.
any discord server?
For fun I checked what Valeria's height is in Inches and at the start (she's around 2500 I think) is only about 984 inches which is 82 feet yet she is meant to be somewhere around kaiju size right? As in as tall as a skyscraper. Which made me realize that you might be using the wrong unit of measurement if I was correct. Granted 82 feet tall is still huge but it doesn't quite fit the story. Like I said this is more of a story problem not a gameplay one.
The only problem is not using the metric system.
Hey! Parasitic Mage/Sorcerer (Can't remember right now), doesn't work like the other cards. When discarded it only adds to the hand once and will never retrigger. Also parasitic duplicates don't work for each just the first one activated, not sure if that's intentional or not.
Also, I realy enjoy the battle scaling! It's a little buggy sometimes but it's a nice addition!
Yeah, I noticed this when trying to build a Parasitic Magus + Parasitic Succubus deck. In my experience, the first copy of a Parasite you discard will spawn a second copy to your hand, but you can't get any additional copies of that particular Parasite until you play one, but you CAN get more copies if you later discard it again after playing one. (Except for Parasitic Magus, haha)
Hello. Thank you for answering my questions and I hope you can answer these new ones.
1.- Is version 8.6 compatible with version 9 that you mentioned?
2.- I got the lowest Patreon membership, but I see that it doesn't contain version 9. Will that version be released for that membership and if not, what membership is it to get version 9 of the game?
3.- I've seen quite a few changes, so my question is; is the number of times you have to talk to the other participants to get an alliance maintained or has it increased like several things?
4.- If you enter into a duel with one of the participants, would it subtract from the times you've talked to her?
5.- In version 8.6 or already in version 9. If you get the largest size, will you unlock all the images or do we have to unlock each image, gradually increasing the size of all of them?
6.- Both the challengers (unlocked with Porschia) as well as the knight and the swordswoman; if you lose, would they grow and have images?
7.- I know it's not the game here, but it's also part of your games so I hope it doesn't bother you. Is there any new update for Growing vengeance remake v 0.71?
I thank you in advance for the information and I reiterate that it is a very good game, fun and now it is a little bit difficult because before it was too easy.
1. No. It will not be I'm afraid.
2. Version 9 isn't out yet. Will be the highest tiers first and move down as time passes.
3. It's alot of changes. I'll do a full changelog when it comes out.
4. No, challenge is different.
5. Ideally gradually is best. But thery will unlock through playthroughs, so if you miss one you can get it later.
6. Yes. They do get bigger and there is a bad end associated.
7. Most likely once i get Growing Rivalry to a good place, then ill work on that again.
Do you have a Discord server? If not that is ok I was just curious. One more thing I have a save file for each of the girls you can choose from but it can be hard to tell which one is which. Is there any plans for some sort of icon to appear on the save files to help make it easier to tell which one is which?
I enjoy this game so I'm going to mention some of the problems I found that I didn't see in the comments even if I'm not playing the latest version.
Blessings of Baal - breaks the players health bar making them immortal and if the opponent uses a drain card they also become immortal making closing the game the only option.
The fairy side quest - up until the final minion fight all the others immediately give up I don't know if it's intentional or not. -The minions you fight before the final boss part all have stupid high HP for the damage fairy cards put out. 1500hp then 2500hp after being dropped to 700 hp I managed to cut down a battle to around 15 mins by burning away all my cards until I only had the special heal card and fairy hunter.
-I cant disable battle animations even though I can't see them because of the background, This is has caused me to actively avoid cards with long animations tied to them.
-Some eliminated characters are still being treated as in the game but they can never be seen on the map.
Anyways I enjoy the game, stumbling into an ending because I wanted to keep the last two characters from being eliminated was funny and got me a pretty nice card for the NG+
That's no intentional. I need to run out some fixes which will happen soon hopefully :d
Most animations are getting removed honestly. Since they do take unnecessary time.
Hmm, which ones?
Afraid I can't look into who as I saved over it with NG+
Found some more things
-Belial,the first curses the player instead of the opponent
-Beginning of the end, Doesn't add an elder cultist to hand
If I remember I'll write down the names of everyone who sticks around in the next loop.
Please don't remove the growth animations :(
Is the heart of the game, we need them V:
I think he meant the attack animations, not the growth.
Now, the thing I'D love to see, is the removal of the brief delay when Emerge or Graveborn keywords trigger. But then, I suppose killing a 4000 HP boss in an infinite loop of two damage at a time should be painfully slow. As they once said, "the punishment for polypiling is polypiling."
I had fun playing it but it was too hard
Will there ever be a gallery part for the "Fighters" and the Restaurant Knight after you unlock them through Porschia?
Yup. I needed to re-do the gallery cause i forgot more than i thought. Will release a patch eventually with some fixes as well :)
how does E.L.U.N.E card work?,tried using it and couldn't figure it's gimmick so do I need to use upgrades before playing her on field or after playing her?.
Basically when you use the upgrades for AERA, Elune will use them as well
First of all, great game.
Just wondering, when i go challenge valeria, it say maximum wager is 1000, but i can only go for 99 max, is it a bug or i miss something?
nah thats a bug on my part. definitely forgot to remove the block :(
Quick question,
How many times do you have to defeat Valeria in the castle before more stuff happens. I've won against her several times now and it doesn't seem like anything is changing (aside from the others growing some).
Also, great game. Its a lot of fun to play.
(If the developer sees this, I hope you enjoy working on this, because its really good!)
beating valeria can actually be surprisingly finicky. If you're spending too much on shop boosters she'll never be defeated because the true loose condition is her height dropping to to some value below 200. You and several other competitors are going to have to chip at her repeatedly so that she finally loses most of her height. I strongly recommend using the statue at the temple to boost a number of contestants big enough so that they can regularly beat valeria so that she'll finally be defeated. You don't even need to beat valeria all that many times yourself. It's just you'll need several contestants to constantly bully her so that she'll finally lose most of her height.
Can I ask you something?
In this game, besides the main character ending, are there any other endings? I want to know how to do it.
there's a number of hidden boss endings. also I suspect the ending that plays after valeria's defeat is based on which contestant is tallest currently. I've personally gotten the ending from a boss battle at the shrine a couple times myself.
Hello again.
I was going to get a Patreon membership again and I saw that there is a new free update. I checked some comments and took the opportunity to download the free game. My questions are:
1.- Each update will you have to start over again? Why else would you just dedicate yourself to finishing the game as quickly as possible and see only the new things that have been added.
2.- In this or in the Patreon updates, if you finish the game, do you now identify which is the tallest character and thus get the ending?
3.- I also see that there are already many more endings and characters that may require certain requirements to get their endings. Will you get, will there be or will you have a guide?
4.- What is the most recommended deck to start with in this new update?
5.- They mentioned that there are changes in the heights; I suppose then to get the different images; will you have new size ranges and if that is it. So for Valeria is it still the same height to get endings or is it already another one?
6.- Regarding the Patreon update, which is the best way to start over?
Well, for now these are my doubts and it is very nice to see the improvements you are making.
1. Eventually no. You won't need to start over for new updates. The last few have changed some early mechanics and triggers, so if you reload a save it will break some interactions as they are initialised at the start of the game.
2. The 9.0 update will yes. It will check each time fights happen to determine the tallest.
3. Once the game is finished yes, I'll write up a guide for the endings and requirements for unlocking characters / special packs
4. In terms of raw power, Demons are probably the best. But be careful of your health since most Demon cards will use health as well as mana. Otherwise Fairy cards received a buff.
5. Most endings now trigger at 8000 or more height now and Valeria's will trigger at 10000.
6. For 9.0 you will need to start again I'm afraid as I changed A LOT. This should hopefully be the last time though.
I dunno about the Patreon update, but with Succubus being locked, I'd look into Gladiators. There's some CHEESE you can do with the Forced Retreat card, which spawns two copies of Fleeing Gladiator in your deck. It barely does any damage, but its Withdraw effect causes you to recover one MP... and those effects go off not just when you return a card from your hand to the deck, but even just reshuffling the discard pile into the deck will trigger it. So you can quickly get to a point where you can just play nothing but Fleeing Gladiator on loop and go infinite. (It'll still take forever to actually kill the enemies, and the Gladiator card that says it buffs Gladiator's damage is bugged and doesn't actually work, but if a particular foe is really getting under your skin, this'll take them out.)
I also underrated Zombies for a long time, but there's some similar MP Cheese with the Zombie Corpse mechanics. Playing a Zombie Corpse adds some Human Corpses to the deck, and when those are sent to the discard pile, either via Mill or discarded from your hand, you recover one MP. The cards combo nicely with the Galactic set, which exiles cards from the discard pile to fuel effects. In particular, stuff that adds Galactic Spawn Eggs are a go-to; they lead you to summoning a Galactic Devourer who, when played, exiles your entire discard pile and then permanently gains that much damage. Spend the first few days sandbagging and stalling fights, to get that damage boost ridiculously high, then run a tight, low-card deck that focuses solely on getting a Galactic Devourer in hand ASAP.
Hey. I don't know if you meant to make "Puny Weaklings" so OP but if not, then don't change it. I like doing 2000 in one turn.
I wanted to add that I absolutely love this game and I like playing against this wacky predictable AI more than playing YGO rn.
Also, Make Rachel viewable in the CG menu. She's my favorite.
I wish I could give more stars for this game. The amount of stuff going on EVERYWHERE is just immaculate. I forgot about the corrupted fairy lady and got jump-scared by her a second ago and that genuinely surprised me. So much thought and effort into this game.
I'm glad you enjoy it :D
Some cards are definitely stronger than others. Its usually the art. If I like it, I end up going overboard with it more often than not
Yo dev, I've a question, but before that, a bit of context.
I download the v8.6 and decide to get Succubus deck, notice it's gone, default to Fairy deck (Gluttonous Fairy is still busted with Fairy Coronation btw) and I also decided to stick Take Flight in the starter deck as well...
So, Fairy Queens (and other Fairy heal/damage boosting cards)... are they supposed to also increase the healing that Take Flight gives you on turn start?
Because 1; I wasn't expecting that and 2; Fairy deck might've become a bit more busted than it was previously.
Yup, it includes that healing as well. Its definitely intentional :D
and yes, Succubus was moved to a side quest, since the deck is way stronger than others and having it early makes the game too easy.
Please help me, give me a complete guide on how to find a deck of dark fairies... I talked to Pore at the casino and she said there's a chance to find her in lush places at night. And then how and whether I do it at all?
visit the normal garden (not dark) location at night time. you'll see a special graphic in the sky that you can enter. Dark fairy deck won't be unlocked till you defeat the big boss of the dark fairies. Also be prepared to lose some height when fighting belladana.
you mean this? it only appears in the afternoon and evening, and only when it says who won and who lost, I try to click on it and nothing happens. And at night, it doesn't occur at all, even with dialogs and notifications.
that's the icon. you probably need to talk to the girl who sells secrets for height in the casino in order to unlock being able to acess it. As for you seeing it during afternoon that's more of a visual bug apparently.
Well I just got to the ??? Fight for the first time ever and after I got her HP to 0 the game popped up an error. TypeError Cannot read property 'setSkill' of undefined.
I just got through a fight that ended the run and had me start over from the beginning so I cant change my deck or even have a chance without using The Embodiment of Baal effect. It's the only source of Damage I have for such a long fight.
Edit: I managed to get past the fight by making sure that my absorption effect was active on the last turn so there was another source of damage. For any who are wondering the main damage source for this were the Apocalypse cards they do 200 damage if you have 2000 more height than your opponent.
yeeeeeeeeeessssss I have to say this is my new personal best to get somewhere fast last time it was 20 days but 4 days to get back all the way here nice me nice
please can you explain me what do you put in your deck for have this height
there seems to be a problem on the windows version as when I try to run this it says cannot intialize graphics.
That's an error you don't see often.
Can you delete the whole game and re-download to see if it fixes it?
Make sure to unzip it before playing as well