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I really enjoyed this. The tournament format is already cool on its own, adding a deckbuilding manager to this makes the game really engaging. Lots of different girls of all shapes and sizes to choose from and gradually watch your favorites grow (some hot imagery on some of the cards, too). You even included characters from your previous game, which is the kind of thing I always enjoy from creators. I'd go as far as to say this is currently one of the best giantess games available, especially if one doesn't mind AI art.

But seeing as you're still updating this, I thought you would appreciate getting to know about some bugs in the current version (all of this is about the free version available here)

  1. Battle messages occasionally show leftovers from the RPG Maker templates. For example, if your char's name is Mary and you get hit by stuff like the burning effect it says "Mary%1 is bleeding heavily" instead of just "Mary is bleeding heavily".
  2.  I saw some talk about Gisele having a one-hit kill move in the comments, and it seems she still has it. Maybe it's because I was allied with her, but when I fought her she would sometimes use "Eye of Dominance" which would do like 1590 damage, way higher than any other attack.
  3. The "???" fight doesn't work, got a "can not read property '_cardHand' of null" error once she added some new card into my deck. Seems I'm not the only one to experience this. At least it's optional.
  4. When you first talk to Izel in the Decaying Gardens, there's a brief bit where Sonia's sprite randomly shows up, even if she was eliminated a long time ago. 
  5. You can only donate three digits worth of height to your ally at a time, but this seems like a pointless limitation since you can just go to the Goddess and donate to the same girl without limits. 
  6. The Goddess in the Temple stops updating her list around day 10 or so. For example, in my playthrough Liliane and Phatrelle eventually got eliminated, but the list still had them. On the other hand, there were a few late newcomers like Estelle who were never added to the list no matter how many times I checked.
  7. Speaking of elimination, not sure how much of a bug this is, but the smaller girls can drop into negative height during the day yet still somehow regain just enough to not be eliminated for the night. In my playthrough, in the latter days there was a bunch of girls who were constantly like -300 or -1000 during the day but for the final showcase they always somehow gained just enough height to go back into 150+. 

Lastly, this one isn't really a bug but just something to consider. Like I mentioned, this game is generally fun and engaging, but I'd be lying if I said the latter days weren't a chore. After a certain point, I got stuck in a routine where nothing seemed to progress. There was just me, my ally, and seven other girls, of which only three were decently strong, and the other four were constantly on the brink of elimination yet never quite there (see point 7). I appreciate that there are a few side quests to change things up, like Lilith or The First Giantess, but even with them I still largely spent the second half of my playthrough just battling the same girls over and over until Valeria finally was small enough to resign. I feel like there'd be an easy fix for this if you just allowed us to place bigger wagers than normal when fighting Valeria. Celestia and Izel allow for this, so why not her? Instead of chipping away at Valeria with wagers of 70-80 cm per battle (Succubus and Titania cards raise this to around 250, but that's still not much) you could place, say, wagers up to 500 cm, vastly speeding up the process. Just something I thought would really help make the late days less repetitive.

You have a really cool project going here, and I think it could be even better with some polish.


Hmm. When the energy gets reduced (10/10 -> 3/3), it seems that the energy is restored before the max energy is returned (3/3 -> 3/10), this causes energy reduction spells to last an extra turn because it doesn’t fill back up completely.

Also, the succubus cards being locked behind an endgame boss sequence really makes them obsolete.


the succubus cards have been available at the normal card shop for atleast a couple free versions now though? (even if you have to scroll to a second page to see them). Also I haven't had any issues with the lethality of one of the easily usable legends of the succubus theme.

Ah, the next version will take the various decks and hand them over to ‘distributors’, so you have to do quests to buy them, unless that idea gets moved around.

This may sound annoying what im going to ask but will you ever add a option to combine copies of certain cards to increase their effects and abilities slightly and make them more efficient like healing cards to certain archetypes or boosting and support cards? Like if I end up with 10 or 20 copies of one common card and combine it to just boost its effect by a certain amount like double or 1.5

How do I level up? I have to say that I am on easy mode I think, but those battles when I have 130 hp and others have 1,7k are quite hard.

(3 edits)

Theres an item you can buy from a person in the arena to increase your max hp by 5 at the end of the day and the succubus deck that can sometimes increase your max hp permanently other then that the restaurant with the one food option that can give you a random hp increase for one battle also for the succubus deck it also have a few hp steal cards or healing and it's boss card "Belial the first who's attack increases by 5 when you play a certain card its attack stays increased until you lose the game or getting on one the endings by the time I got my first ending well the bad ending its attack was over 1k

nice good ending with the Goddess Diana :)

So any update about the hot fixes?

Currently working on some other fixes as well :) 

Hopefully not tooooooo long. 

That’s good to hear

(1 edit)

1 - Buying HP in the casino VIP room doesn't seem to work

2 - Porschia leaves when she has exactly one rumor left, no matter what it is

Porshia said she will go to the restaurant when she saved up enough, so you just need to defeat caelie, then Porshchia will be in her place.

That's the idea. Hopefully it hasn't broken itself :D

how to get porschia into battle?

She does not fight.

In the ending cgs lists I have one still unlock between Phatrelle and Rachel, but I already unlocked all the characters, and I find no one's name fit this position, did I miss something special ?

The gallery needs some fixing. Few missing pictures and some that shouldn't be there. 

Thanks for reply. I have one more question, when defeat Izel, she will left a card type "Vorpal", is it the only card whi ch type is "Vorpal"? I can't find any place to get more cards type "Vorpal"

Currently, Arianna sells them if you beat her in her special game 5 times.

I have no idea who she is in the ending cgs between Phatrelle and Rachel.Is it Noir? But I can't figure out how to make Noir win. If not, then who she is, I haven't met before.

(1 edit)

is there a way to change decks before fighting the first Giantess end boss?
i was mucking around with a devorah deck (wasnt a very good build) when the fight triggered and the start of the day,  i cant beat her now im down 2 playtghroughs worth of cards is there a way to roll it back or change decks?

I'm going to open up saving at any time in future versions (mainly for bug issues) but this way you can save in multiple slots. I may add a menu screen so you can select a deck before the match though :)


I am stuck on the ??? Fight because they have a card that crashes me anytime I fight her is there an update I need to fix it?

Going to release an updated version soon which should correct that issue :D 

Sorry for the delay!

Ok, I got to a point where battles are fucking unfair. The rivals have more than 800 hp, and you with work make 10 or maximum 25 (of course if we take out the letter that makes 50) so... What do you recommend?


Arena inside has a sort of black market NPC at night time where you can pay some height for a hp booster I believe it's called. At the end of day every day it will permenantly boost your hp by 5. If that isn't enough for you then there's succubus decks which have buffs that steal hp from the enemy and whatever hp they steal through those buffs is granted to you as permenant max hp allowing you to gain far more max hp than the hp booster could ever hope to give you. Thanks to succubus decks my character's max hp growth has outpaced all the enemies.

You hace a screenshoot? Honestly it would serve me

Find the cards with permanent scaling, infinite scaling, or % damage. So for 7.9, that I'm aware of:

GLA: Gladiator's Cunning, Freya The Slayer

FAI: Fairy Fire, Fairy Witch, Fairy Finale

DRK FAI: Augmented Corruption, Dark Fairy Queen (questline)

MACH: A.E.R.A./E.L.U.N.E/Upgrades (questline)

ZOM: Hooded Corpse, Zombie Swordmaiden, Xhelzus The Necrotic, Everlasting Zombie

SUC: Belial The First, Zekari Massacre Specialist (questline)

GAM: Poker Face, Snake Eyes

SPACE: (Elite) Space Force - Athena, (Elite) Space Force - Arabella

GAL: Galactic Hive-Mind (token),  Galactic Size Mage, Galactic Doombringer

DEMON: Demonic Decay, Blood Pact?

PARA: Parasitic Magus, Yogg'Saron Parasitic World Eater

COV: The True Witch (multiple cards), Creeping Miasma

CULT: Ritual of the Goddess (Baal questline)

VORPAL: Izel - Ultimate Warrior, Vorpal cards in general

OTH: Devorah The Insatiable

Can I have a link to your discord?

I read that there is an explanation for the cards and stuff there and I'm trying to understand what ("require 10 "corruption" counters) means for the "purification card and learn "combos" and "secondary card effects", and mp lol.

P.s, just started playing yesterday and ran across a demon lady that kept stealing my height every turn; I won the battle, but she stole 350 height from me, so is there a card that prevents this?

Atleast in the demo version there's no card that prevents height theft. There are however cards that can steal height. Curse of Belial in succubus decks steals 25 height per turn. Succubus decks are also special in that the hp they steal is granted to you as permenant max hp. 

Although it takes a lot of height sacrifice to set up quickly with the witch elders doubling spell counters at the cost of height you can sacrifice near 2k height to be able to gain 5k height through coven cards. There's a card that conditionally gives you Bellatrix. Bellatrix has a couple different forms and it's the 2nd form that can perform massive height stealing at the cost of sacrificing all your spell counters.

Is the 2nd form of Bellatrix in the Coven pack? 

For some reason I never seen the coven packs drop legends. I've always had to use that card that adds bellatrix to your deck in order to use her. The most recent version nerfed the witch elders anyways so coven is no longer good for swift height stealing.

Highly recommend either just not fighting Ophelia ever or getting an extremely op deck before bothering with trying. for some ungodly reason she has an exponentially scaling height theft attack and a flat 40 height gain buff. Combined it means fighting her in any kind of long fight without dom/sub height theft just lets her grow and then steal all your height. For some reason Belial curse doesn't work on her though. Some of this may not be accurate if there's changes past ver7.9.

Hey, does anyone know how to get Rachel as my ally?

pls reply

Everytime I hit the up arrow, the game freezes and won't let me do anything. Is there a way to continue playing after I accidentally hit up, or do I have to close and reopen the game?

Only in combat

Generally, in combat, i would advise using the mouse. The keyboard controls need some fixing up

does anyone have a good build against mosquitoes? I remembered that some guy wrote that he has a good build against mosquitoes and that he can gain 20,000 height in one fight


And what do you get from equiping the deck boxes you get from the bazarr?

they give a passive effect for the battle.

how/where do i get Vorpal cards from?

Arianna in the casino sells them once you beat her in her own game a few times. 

How do i get my girl to gain weight? I went into fat mode but everything seems to be height based

The main aspect is Height. 
Fat Mode will mean her body will grow outwards as well, but the game isn't geared to that specifically. 

does anyone have a good build against mosquitoes? I remembered that some guy wrote that he has a good build against mosquitoes and that he can gain 20,000 height in one fight

I presume mosquitoes are something in the patreon version not released in the current free version. Although I have personally used a parasite deck to gain 20k height in an hour long match I haven't tried taking it further out of fear the that the variable storing the height data might roll over at 32kish. What do the mosquitoes to that make them so bothersome?

does anyone know how to defeat the final boss? and if anyone has a good deck

(1 edit)

I recommend a fairy fire/fairy witch deck. Fairy fire damage will continually climb as the match drags on . Even if the witch's  bleeds and fairy fires can't punch through the boss's healing initially it'll just simply be a matter of time before the fairy fire damage gets too big for the boss to heal through. If you got an absurd height advantage on the boss stomp card will do the trick as well. Fairy witch is just an uncommon and you only need 2 at most for a good deck. This honestly makes it one of the most obtainable Valeria killing worthy decks.

What's most important is that fixed damage cards are basically useless against Valeria since their unmodifiable damage is basically too low to be of any use against her huge healing. What you ultimately need are cards that have their damage grow based on a certain condition and then setting things up for the condition to ultimately have the damage grow to absurdity. Unfortunately Ultimate Dark Fairy Queen and A.E.R.A. aren't allowed the damage Valeria so those 2 easy wins won't work.

mysterio how to get these cards?

Please help me assemble a normal combat deck.

(1 edit)

I just winged it with mine I probably have a broken build I'm not for sure I call it madman's gambit OK it involves Bella the first and a quick recovery You will need two quick recoveries  Get ready to sacrifice cards and also enough cards to sacrifice to it's a sacrificial deck how I balanced this out I put good cards in there like all against Odd, oblivion, stomp, Apocalypse, The first giantess.etc

And if you don't understand you will understand

how to get these cards?

To get oblivion and stomp go inside arena there should be someone on the right side selling it to get the first giantss You will need to go into the casino go to side room and there should be a bunny girl who tells gossips Ask about old book then go to the bazaar For You will need to go to the car shop by Succubus packs and that's how you get her or you can get it from a random event I cannot remember if the random event is true or not

You see, I am a Russian myself and I don't understand English well, and since there is no Russification in the game, I have to play at random, which is why I do not know how to get allies or how to make normal decks.

When I play the game and start my first match and attack with my first card, this appears in the picture... The problem is solved quickly!!!

Hm. Which card did you play first? 

All the cards I have when I play them show me this picture and it is my first encounter

I got a quick question when is the first giant test boss fight going to get fixed it's been giving me a stomp card that's been crashing my game

Specifically This card

Yes. I will look to patch that soonish :D

yay and also make  sure take break


I have used those cards before and haven't had an issue. 

Can you tell me who you fought against? Hard to tell from the picture since it's darkened. 

And did the error appear after you played one card? 

It happens with all enemies and I don't think the problem is with the enemies but with the cards themselves because when I play the first card nothing happens but if I use a card and then it tells me to delete one of the cards it doesn't get deleted or get rid of it I tried with all the cards and after a while the game stops and the pictures that I sent you appear to me

Okay :) I'll take a closer look and see what's causing it :)

cant figure out the right talking option to ally with Sekhmet,  Any help?


I finally got her wish me luck people

yeah...i faugth her and when she uses that skill taht gives you a card the game crashes

I did not know that I thought I was just missing a game file when I was moving it back looking through every file I think that needs a quick fix and the next update I use via one to move my saved data from the computer to computer

how do i get rachel as my alli?

if you’re trying to get miku 

We awaken the goddess, and I recommend giving points to her as well specifically miku for the best results to wake up to call us faster. It only took me five days. I’m playing a new game mode and if you’re unable to go into new game plus mode, I recommend closing the game and reopening it. That’s how I got to work.

(1 edit)

How to get to the island? This is at the pier location. (I play your game with the help of an autotranslator.)

You need to go to casino floor Put the option side room you should see a bunny girl talk to her and talk about cult


(How to get out of the maze on the island. (

sorry bad english

If you’re wanting to fight the cis, that is one way but if you see a little square, that should be another way not replying late. I was too busy with college stuff

Where do I start alliance or does that mean a quick fix

Normally you start alliances by chatting with a character when you encounter them normally in the world. They'll ask you a question during the chat and you'll have to answer correctly like a few times before the alliance starts. Also from what I've read if you've already got an alliance you can't start a new one yet.


If you have beaten ??? What will happen

You will get a special card that replaces the original one. That has no downside

How do I start Alliance with  Lilith

You cannot. 

how do I access New Game Plus mode

Normally it will trigger when most of the endings happen and when some of the special boss fights are won.

Currently the plant lady in the decaying gardens or is it lilet

Okay I got it working I just had to closeout and refresh it


This one is too difficult to assemble by itself.

What are some of your favorite card set formulas?


One of my favored sets for an easy to assemble decently strong deck is fairy. The mere uncommon fairy witch card which brings forth more copies of just fairy fire just simply gets stronger and stronger the longer the match goes on. Then it's just simply a matter of making a small deck so that you can get back to your important cards as quickly as possible (the fairy witch, and whatever draw/healing cards you got set up to help make the deck viable).  Self removing cards help stream line the deck and if you have troubles making the deck go down to no more than 10 cards you can always use gluttunous fairy to help remove the less useful cards permenantly (or just simply sacrifice fairy fires granted by the witches to gain 30 height even).

My suggestion for easy deck building is to stick to 15 card decks. Have some draw more cards cards and focus on having an ultimate hand of no more than 10 cards. The 5 other cards are just filler that either remove themselves from game when used or less powerful cards that you intentionally remove with a card that removes other cards from the game so that your deck size ultimately slims down to no more than 10 so that you can hold all the useful parts parts of your deck in one hand. the draw cards cards are so you can quickly recover your full hand after using multiple cards in a turn.

When I was fighting the ??? for using too much times of the first giantess, if I end the first turn, then I will be given a card and cause an error "can not read property '_cardHand' of null.

Hmm. Seems like that bug is still floating around :/ 

I'll pop it on my list.

If I use steal height on those who can't be allies,such as the breast fighter or lzel, their height don't decrease, although I can gain height, is it designed to be or a bug?
And although I can see all those fighters(big,ass,breast,etc.),but I only unlock the cgs of breast figher and the big fighers. Other figher's cg isn't unlocked. It seems tobe a bug.

the same thing happens to many other,like diana and the staffs.

Not all characters can be drained. Some are immune to it. Eventually Ill add in text to distinguish it. 

Hmmm. Ill have to check the gallery to make sure they are updating correctly. 

If so, does it mean Izel must be defeat at once, if not she seems can gain about 200 cm in just a period later(like day 20 or later , 100 cm for one and she will pick 2 ai to attack) and about 800 cm in a day, while plyer once can only get 400 from her, and I didn't find any ai who can defeat her.

In my new saving, although Emmeline, rachel, skehmet are both over 3000cm tall, others(except Izel and the fighters) less than 2000 cm, but still they can not trigger the winning cg and continues the game.

Also, when I defeat celestia, her winning cg is unlocked.

And I also want to know if diana's ending sent to the day 1, will there be any difference to a normal new game? If not I think I will just abort that saving.

(2 edits) (+1)

Not sure if you're aware of it already but I found a bug with Valeria fights where she takes on the height drain characteristics of the last person I fought. Once I drained a ton from her with dom/sub and belial curse but then came back to find Sehkmet at severe negative height and Valeria at just her height minus my win bonus. As a side note I'm having trouble figuring out how to win and also Izel is just unkillable because she disappears after my first fight with her of the day and goes on a rampage faster than I can reduce her height.

edit: I should probably clarify that I'm on version 7.9 win

Hey man it might just be me, but I can't find that Devorah the Insatiable card anywhere. Any hints?

To get her you need to defeat Celestia. Once she admits defeat and leaves, you'll receive Devorah (well the card that adds devorah to your deck for the battle)

when downloading the mac version, once i expand the zip file the game file inside fails to open

hmm, generally it shouldn’t. Does it produce an error as to why it does? 

When I allied Ophelia(in the new verion7.9), I found when I demand height from her, the number in ally list didn't decrease, and , if I told her nothing, the reply will be from miku——and a test shows I did't get height from miku. when I dissolve alliance with Ophelia, it don't work, I can still use the ally ui in side room. If I allied someone else, it will extend the fails in team battle and directly submit to the demand for height or card. Else, this time I can alse demand height from both Ophelia and my teammate now, althouth when I ask for height from Opehlia my teammate will answer, but in fact my teammate's height didn't decrease, so do the Operhlia. The height comes from mysterious power :)

And I alse wants to know how the ancient book works because I didn't seem to find it.

And it seems also affect my new ally, I can't dissolve allyship with new ally now, the choice disappeared

sadly the Ally system is buggy as all hell. It will most likely be removed / reworked entirely in upcoming updates. 

The book is bought from the girl in the bazaar. Then it’s an item you can use from the menu. 

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