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(5 edits) (+2)

I decided to throw together a quick guide for people!

I've played many card games and I can say this is a fun one, although awkward for deck building.

How to play: Easy, place bets and use your cards to beat your opponent

How to get started: This is a lot harder then expected, as your starting deck isn't the greatest. However, there is an easy strategy using the game mechanics. 
Starting Deck: You have 3 important cards. Cannon Soldier, Jagged Edge and Rapid Recovery. What do they do?

Cannon Soldier: 4 cost, deal 7 damage and draw 1. This is what we call a "neutral play" in card games, going equal in hand advantage. 

Jagged Edge: 2 cost, deal 2, draw 1. A "worse" Cannon Soldier as it has less damage. 

Rapid Recovery: 3 cost, discard itself to grab two from grave (or discard), THEN discard a card. This is broken, because unlike other games.... IT CAN BRING ITSELF BACK.

How to use the Starter Deck: Be as hand negative as possible and be efficient with every use of MP until Dark Contract (take damage, discard, draw 4. Hand reset), to get your pieces. Get both Cannon Soldier, Jagged edge can assist, but is good to keep and Rapid Recovery. Play Cannon Soldier, follow up with Rapid recovery to get itself back and Cannon Soldier, discard what you drew. This creates a hand positive loop as you draw for turn, just make sure not to leave your CS in the grave before the final draw. This is 7 damage per turn, hand positive, and reliable. 

Other Decks: I have given names to every other deck based on their archetypes.

There are 8 total decks you can make effectively. 

Fire Fairy, Light Fairy, Dark Fairies, Lifesteal Gladiator, Enrage Gladiator, Machina Spam, A.E.R.A, and Chimera

Fire Fairy: Slow Ramping Fairy's abusing cards like Fairy Hero and Fairy Mage to create a fire and finale, to slowly increase damage with Firestorm and Fairy Explosion. You use Fairy Priestess, Fairy Queen and Coronation (discard, spawns a Princess in hand and Queen in deck) to increase your damage and heals. However this INCREADIBLY blocks your deck because of additional in deck generation of 6 cost cards. It has way too much generation to be a coherent strategy. Use with caution for extremely long fights.

Light Fairy: Light Fairy's have a lot of draw power and can be used to recycle cards like Stomp extremely fast, I also like to call this Fairy in a Spam Can. Fairy Priestess is busted however, as with infinite cards you can infinitely heal yourself to full each turn. 

Dark Fairy: Haven't tested much but it's a Token Archetype, abusing points of "Corruption" to heal, deal massive damage or create new cards. This is cheap to build, but does require both Legendary's. 

Lifesteal Gladiator: I would say the best. Every card draws into something else and deals damage, permanent height increases built in, extremely cheap only using 1-2 copies of a few cards such as Glad Juggernaught, Regal Gladiator, Size worship, etc

Enrage Gladiator: This is about being as low health as possible, which is dangerous but rewarding. Using low heal cards to keep yourself sustained, you can abuse Overwhelming Fury (+1 damage to glad cards) and Vengeful Fighter (2 + Your missing health/2) to deal insane amounts of damage. Good on easy mode. 

Machina Spam: Use big golem and scrap generation to throw an insane amount of Machina cards into the graveyard to deal increasing amounts of damage with how much Machina is in grave. I wouldn't consider this a strategy, but it beats most low Height NPC's in 2 Minutes. 

A.E.R.A: Personally my favourite strategy. Using "Upgrade" cards you can augment different effects onto the boss Legendary A.E.R.A which creates infinite MACHINA copies of itself in deck, and will Upgrade further when augmented enough. Why do I specify Machina? Because Assault Mech can Search it, as well as any other Machina Search, so feel free to run a big deck. It has infinite scaling, regeneration, DOTs (Damage over time), and very accessible. However, it is very expensive, costs me at least 400 height each run. Just run one of each Upgrade card, 3x Search, Scrap generator and some of the other heal cards, and A.E.R.A.

Chimera: This is what I call "Do whatever you want". It would be cool if there was an actual monster girl archetype but this is just every card that is good on its own. I would say this is where you'd go for endgame, putting Stomp, lifesteal cards and Energy Drain. 

How to build your own: Do not use my word as law, I may be experienced but everyone has a playstyle. I recommend reading the cards, although the menu is really awkward. 3 rules however, Hand Neutral is good, Infinite generation of permanent cards is bad, Damage and Draw is king. 

To the Creator: Thank you! This is fun and i'd really like to see some more with this. If you want me to ever test something out or give my opinions, let me know. I love card games and deckbuilding, and I have a lot of opinions about what would be good in a deck. 

But personally, if you could add something which tells you where characters currently are that'd be great. 

ooh this is really cool. Very detailed! 
and thank you :D I also love card games. So being able to make one around a fetish I enjoy does help. 

Which packs give the cards needed for each deck archetype?

The standard cards and "all cards" are in the firest pack to the left, the second pack is exclusively fairies, the third is exclusively gladiator's and the fourth is exclusively Machina/Machines

does this game auto save or something? cuz i can't click on the save button

everytime you go to sleep you can save

correct. You will be given the option to save each night after the “daily” height display is done. 

(3 edits) (+1)

missing a card art img/cards/UnstableExplosive.png

png name not found in zip.

just fake Unbeatable.png_ to replace it for now or my game are not playable.

data/map032.json are missing, when I try enter boss map I got black screen.

fake map017.json to replace it for now.

thank you! Will rectify these soon! 


I'm very interested in what seems to be a dynamic system between the contestants. I was hoping that it would permutate their decks and select for the best ones, but so far as I can tell, they are not playing with cards in the first place (fair enough, that would have been very impressive, though); as it is, what regulates the difficulty of each contestant, and determines whether they will beat another?


sadly no. That part of the card plug-in hasn’t been implemented just yet. Once it does…. Well, things will get veryyyy interesting 


As soon as that happens, be ready for all hell to break loose lol


Exactly. I can purposely give them degenerate combo decks :D 



Looking forward to it! There are certainly some infinites and broken combos lmao, which is fine since it isn't multiplayer IMO, it's very rewarding

Though being able to get infinite height during a battle might not be ideal - maybe make it steal from the opponent instead, so you can only get a certain amount per battle?

ir feels like their attacks are based on their height? Not sure but i challanged a girl double my size and she had an attack which reduced my health by more than half. XD


will the demo be updated when the paid version get updated or wont there any updates for the free demo version?


the demo will receive updates periodically. There will be some content that won’t be available outside of the Patreon version, but I will add more content to the demo over time. 


I must say I like the base game design of the cards a lot (as well as the other kind of design), but RPGMaker made it pretty tedious play.
The game frequently just stopped responding to input, and I had to wiggle my mouse around for the game to finally realize what going on, and even then it takes a long time before the game responds to anything even if it's registering the input properly.
I know this game is already bending a game engine backwards just to make it run a card game, so would it even be possible to fix something like this?

hmm, that I haven’t had happen to me yet. I’m assuming it’s probably cause the game would chug memory causing a drop in frames as the game progresses. Was there any particular area where you noticed the issue happen? Or does it just occur in general. 

Definitely not an FPS issue. I don't know enough about how RPGMaker's wired to say it's a coding issue with absolute certainty, but it does look like one, looking from the outside. Something like mouse position scaling wrong with DPI, or just simply hover events not being hooked up properly, idk.

Wanted to throw an example video on youtube, but then I realized that I don't have a spare phone number to use for an alt account, so here's a Vimeo link of me just hovering over cards in the selection menu (You can also see card tooltips being cut off as a bonus issue :D ):
The exact same thing happens when playing as well, cards, or even the end turn button is hard to click on.

Ah! Essentially it’s because the touch control with the mouse suck complete ass on MZ. 

I would honestly advise using the keyboard when you want to build decks, the editor from there becomes much less clunky….

It’s an issue the card dev plugin owners do know about, but just a slightly complex one to fix currently. For now use the keyboard to make things easier for you (whenever they manage to fix the problem, I’ll be updating both the demo and paid versions with relevant fixes!)

Ah, damn, RPGMaker strikes yet again with its jank.
You have my condolences for being bold enough to try to use it for a card game, and not use like... any other engine :D

The issue isn't just with the deck builder, but is present in combat as well, even if not AS bad. Can't say I'm a fan of playing a card game with keyboard, but I guess it's better than nothing, yea, thanks. I didn't realize that was even possible. I guess that makes sense in hindsight.

Technical jank aside, I really like the idea of this game, and I hope for the best. So good luck!

yeah, like with anything if you try really warp an engine, stuff tends to behave oddly. 

Generally, keyboard for building a deck, mouse for everything is what I’ve found to be the best way forward. 

Eventually they’ll get fixed and patched by the plugin dev, but I’ve looked into myself and it’ll be time consuming given the spaghetti code state that the rog maker core scripts are…

Deleted 156 days ago

so, it’s novel ai mostly, mixed with some stable diffusion, mixed with mystic weaver and then a ton of hand drawing…. 

Deleted 156 days ago

yeah, so you need to use the scribble tool and "Draw" the bigger sizes yourself. 


A suggestion I have, although no idea how difficult it is to implement, is to have a navigation button on the "Contestants" screen so that we can travel to where that particular contestant is directly. Given the number of locations, it gets a little tedious as people begin dropping out to find someone and it's a lot of useless clicks around the world.

Otherwise a fantastic demo and really like where it's going.

that can be tricky. Since most of them move around each time block. 

But, I’ll be releasing a compendium type guide which will list their locations in each time block so it makes it easier to find certain characters. (Will be doing it soon hopefully!) 

I guess that's what I meant. Being able to have your home as a central navigation point and then seeing a list of locations with the names of each person at the location during that time of day would be easier than bouncing around all the locations. Still I imagine that's super difficult to program into RPGM.

yeah, it’s definitely doable. But for now, I’ll just post a spreadsheet that contains that data until I can find an elegant way of doing it. 


Great game, the card system is fun and the Growth is cool as always. It would be nice to add SFX for the attacks and growing phases.

Also if you need help to build the game I have some free time and exp with RPG Maker MZ. '3'


sound effects on the agenda! Just low priority currently :p


There are card descriptions that do not fit in the display window, so I can't tell what they say. It would also be nice if there were descriptions of each pack set in the shop before you buy them...


Ah. That’s something I did forget!

I’ll release a card compendium for the demo version which contains all the card in an excel doc so you can check the cards. 

Will there ever be a full free version?

at this stage no. One day maybe. As time progresses I will make changes to the demo though. 

(1 edit) (+1)

sadly you can somehow softlock yourself, dont exactly how but 0 Cards in Deck / "Trading Post" in Hand / 18 Cards on Discard. (Maybe because i removed the last 2 Cards in my Deck with Overdrive)

When i try playing "Trading Post" i just get "Trading Post" back and lose 2 mana. Next round i dont draw a new card and can only loop my "Trading Post" or End Turn until i lose.


Yes, I've had same problem with Overdrive card, so I thing it is just unexpected situation for code

I hope dude will fix that, but from other Side it is not so big problem, cous we alredy know about this


hmm, yeah, I may put a conditional on Overdrive so it cannot be used if your deck doesn’t have above a certain number of cards. Thanks for bringing it up! 


Ooh, cards? That sounds better than typical RPG maker combat (or at least different, which is all I really need honestly). I like rpg combat as much as the next guy - or maybe MORE than the next guy - but man do I get tired after the 100th rpg maker game...

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