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the space force medic card does not work

still? Fuck me she’s been a giant pain. 

So she doesn’t heal you? 



What's in the Patreon version that's excluded from this demo?


around 4-5 side quest bosses

Special sets of cards

Black market (hire assassins to reduce height of other competitors) 

And full 10 stages for all characters, 16 for the main characters

i think the hardened body ability needs to be nerfed or limited in some way cause i just fought matila at 351 height at 130 health on easy and she would just keep using that ability healing a fifth of her health each time and effectively preventing me from beating her, i would suggest either a limit on the amount of times she can use it or putting a time in place so she can only use it one every few turns rather than several times in a row





If you don't use bosses (such as Empress and Cultists), then I recommend this set, with fewer waste items.

which card decks are all of these


Guess there's been some more setbacks in the progress for the next patch. Your workflow for progressing towards the next patch in good order atleast?


well, more bugs kept appearing 😂

but should be finally getting to the time where I can update the demo at least. 


Well given how long it's been between patches don't rush the quality assurance. A new update can wait a day if it means being able to allow a singular play through on the demo to check for easily discoverable problems.

(1 edit)

I got stuck in a battle after playing "Feast of Souls" where I had to remove 3 cards from my deck. They were the last three, so after that move, my deck was at 0, but didn't reshuffle. With no cards in hand there was nothing i could do but to concede. At least there's a way out of this kind of softlock...

I've tried building a demons deck, with mediocre results (yet) and put a card in that made me submissive. I wasn't really surprised it was something bad for me, but that it took all my height away really surprised me. It would be nice to have effects like these explained beforehand. Even if it's just in the compendium (excel sheet) which could use an update too. It's also quite annoying that when putting a deck together, you can't really read the description of the cards. Not all of it anyway, as the text box doesn't adjust to the amount of text


unfortunately that’s user error on that one. If you remove all your cards and having nothing to play, there’s nothing you can do except concede. 

The excel spreadsheet will get updated. But a lot of cards are changing so it may take a little

I had plenty of cards in the discard pile though. I just had to shuffle, but it didn't. Probably because the last card from the deck wasn't drawn but removed

hmm. That should be fixed in the newest version. It always had a few weird quirks sadly. Attempting to “draw a card” should correct it

im getting really confused fighting nyx, i am have 1000 height, she has 500 and im playing on easy and within a 2 turns she takes away a third of my 350 health points, is this intended?

Did you see what skill she used? 

Some status effects deal % damage each turn. 


Is there a way to know the effects of all sorts of buffs? Having trouble finding information.

currently working on a way to have things displayed in battle (mostly trying to find a clean solution for it) 

once 6.0 comes out, the demo will be updated again to reflect it :) 

what are the best cards for the parasite deck ? Bc I want to use one tysm for the answers ❤️❤️


the main ones will be Queen, Invasion and Invader. 

Fairy, Succubus, Zombie and Machine are good. 

Gambler, Demon help with minor damage.

But the main way is to just play a heap of them and do a lot of damage with Queen.

(1 edit)

After unzipping, I'm getting the following error when trying to open the "Game" file on Mac: The application “Game” can’t be opened.

That's really bizarre. 
Unfortunately I don't have a MAC to test this on. 

Can you confirm if it happens if you delete it and re-download it again?

Confirmed; tried it a few times but no luck.

hmm. I’ll try reuploading it when I get home later and see how it goes. 

Alright, it's me again with another couple of bug reports on the current itch version.

Bug #1; Not sure how many people encountered this bug, but "Failed to load: img/pictures/Nina7.png" with the prompt to [Retry] (or any other 'insert name here') that happens in battles gets annoying, especially when it is the last time block (night time) fight, so you basically have to restart the entire day.

Also, I'm not fully sure how to fix or if it's just a problem on my end.

Bug #2; Ultimate Temptation (from the Demons pack) pretty much breaks the fights in a way that don't let you do ANYTHING, similarly to how in my last bug report with Demonic Scholar, except Ultimate Temptation does it without fail.

Oh and something that got overlooked, maybe see something about going into negative height? Buying packs is easiest to just nuke your height and it's possible to go into negative height, but with recent discovery or gaining height with Gluttonous Succubus/Fairy, going into negative height at the start of the game seems like a strategic suggestion.

LAST THING for real now.

Are certain images/places/card packs supposed to be in the game or am I missing something? I mean stuff like "CasinoCardSeller", "CultIsland" or "CultistPack".


1. The picture issue is me being silly :( to bypass it, copy an image in the img folder and paste it. Change the name to match and it will clear the error. I.e (copy Nina6 and rename it to Nina7) 

2. that one is bugged. It will cause a freeze at the moment. I would avoid using it for the time being. 

3. That stuff is on the Patreon version only at the moment. Not in the demo. 


Cool beans.

Thanks for clarifying.


How did I unlocked casino 2nd floor and how to unlock all Casino girls in gallery? 

Also between Muscle win and Intro Scene 1 what's there and how to unlock?

to get to the second floor of the casino, you need to win 5 casino games (not in a row) and you'll get a letter when you get home that'll invite you there. 


Okay, but what next, how to unlock next CG?

I wil have to check when I get home. Should be all the character win cg’s 

I want to know how to unlock Ariana's CG. Her height is already 2000 in the casino VIP lounge, but she still cannot trigger the end.

(3 edits)

anyone got a tips on how to get huge the fastest way possible to unlock the next look for the Mc and  to defeat the guards of the Queen and the enemies with higher health , how to get allies ?❤️❤️❤️


for absurd growth in one fight the best best is a parasitic deck built from the basic set. bit tricky to play but if you get the hang of it it offers increasingly stronger growth power as the battle drags on. I intentionally drag out the fight for like an hour or so against a single weak opponent and eventually it gets to the point of building hundreds of height per turn and I end up farming over 20k height in a single battle.

As for powerful scaling damage that'll bring down anything. Fairy fire can ramp up to melt absolutely anything including even the final boss in her strongest form and ultimate dark fairy queen will wreck just about anything swiftly.

(1 edit)

Tysm ❤️❤️❤️ so it’s the first set you can buy from the shop  and what cards do u need to build this deck ? ❤️❤️

the first aid cards are actually a big help since they provide both healing to survive and discard to create copies of the parasitic cards you can afford to play. the main trickiness is keeping track of which parasitic cards you've discarded once since you've last played them so you don't accidentally discard them again ruining things. you'll also want cards for drawing. Heroic rescue allows you remove cards from the game so you can trim your deck down to 10 cards so that you can fit your entire deck into your hand making it much easier to do what you want when you want. pack healing cards beyond first aid as necessary. Also pack a stomp or a do damage+draw 1 card card so that once you are finally done abusing I believe it's parasitic succubus for gaining height you can just simply use that card to grind the weak opponent away. Although once you got 20k+ height stomp pretty much turns into an instawin by itself.

Deleted 216 days ago
Deleted 216 days ago

Could you tell me the names of the cards and how often u got them in the deck 

Where can I get the stomp card and parasite cards in the shop ?

you can get Stomp from Titania. She appears in the Arena-Inside at night time. 

Parasitic cards are in the Base Set

(1 edit)

There is an alternative way that I just found out.

Fairy Corronation + Gluttonous Fairy.

Fill your deck with cards that remove themselves, but leave a heal or two intact, alongside a draw+discard card.

Step 1- Use Fairy Corronation to create 2 cards

Step 2- Use Gluttonous Fairy to remove the cards Fairy Corronation made (you will get 30 Height basically free)

Step 2.5- If you want to scale off of Fairy Fire, use the Fairy Queen to boost its damage, wait for another turn to use Gluttonous Fairy

Again, not necessarily faster, but certainly beats discarding over and over again, if you ask me.

P.S: Bonus points if you can keep up both loops at the same time.

tysm ❤️❤️❤️❤️

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Love the demo ❤️❤️❤️, will the Main character will look like the third picture or like the other ones in the future (free2play) or do they look like this in the Patreon version ?

that was the original look of the MC. For the fat variant. They have been changed going forward and I’ll update the pictures to reflect it :D 

(3 edits) (+1)

ok thx ❤️❤️ I’m excited for the new version , can you get allies in the current version or in the next update , also can you get bigger than 7/14 bc my height is over 2500 and it’s still at picture 7


next demo I’ll up the stages a bit more :D probably to around stage 10. But the biggest new features will be new cards… and reworked cards :D 


Ok tysm for the answers ❤️❤️❤️❤️



when is the next update?

End of this month potentially. 

Feeling hopeful you'll make your estimate or did life take an other bite out of your expected project work time pushing things back?

Testing will happen first. Plugin update took longer than expected, probably may spill a little into the first 2 weeks of April i think :(

Considering what happened with the previous public patch some more delay for proper QA won't hurt.

you need add a platforms so we can download/update this game from itch app.

for now the platform is NULL.


Quuiiick question, was about to become a patron to get access to the latest release, but you're not accepting new patrons atm... 

when will you accept new ones? Kind of wanted to play the newest version soon, ehe~

sorry :( 

but will be enabled on 1st March again. just needed some time to play catch up :D


so question, once the game is fully compete, will it be for free?


I’m not sure at this stage. It’s not close to finished yet so I can’t say for certain on what might change in future. 

I loved the demo and recently got access to the full game and I noticed that there were no longer any "Characterendgame" pictures in the new version and was quite disappointed as some of those were the best pics in the list. Any chance that there is any way to acquire updated ones

there isn’t? Thats weird. All of the characters should have one. 
generally saves won’t transfer from demo to paid version as there’s a lot of initialising variables that were added. Are you using a completely fresh save? 

I was, just snooping in the picture files and didnt see any in the new version, sure the MC ones were there but not ones for each character like there was in the demo. May have just missed something, easy to do.

They are there. 

Titled "AnimaEnd", "AnnaEnd" etc.

The version you have is the REDUX version correct? 

That explains it, haven't updated the game in a while and since then lost patron. Can't rejoin either cause it's blocked. Guess I'll just have to wait till your accepting it to download the new version.

Ah! Yes. Currently it's paused because I need to play catch up as wedding planning has put me somewhat behind where I'd like to be. 

Hopefully shouldn't be too much longer!


hey nicksav i want to support you on patreon but it is not working why ?

hi! its currently turned off since I needed to catch up a bit. So not charging for it, but means it also doesn’t accept anyone new either. Should be back on beginning of March

so how can i get the full game ?

In around 1 week it'll turn back on, so you have to wait until then I'm afraid :(


hey, fan of your game, i was curious how you managed to do such great games, i was curious on how you're making these, i'm already glad i found a rpg maker that was free for a moment

hi! Glad you enjoy. It’s mostly trial and error at the beginning. Then getting input from people playing and adjusting as needed. 

Then just reading stuff/watching tutorials and then customising it to how I would want a game to be :P

i've been trying to work on a card game too but i don't find any tutorial about it that work on rpg maker xp, i'm not gonna give up just after trying, it just mean i have to look further

For XP you may to have to hard code and make it all yourself. Since it’s a much older system and no longer supported widely.

Most card tutorials will be for MV or MZ


yeah i thought so, i don't know much of hard coding but i thing i can have some help from one of my frien, thanks for explaining how you did the game, keep going, you're insanely good at doing this stuff ^^

Hi, I enjoy your games and I tried to sub to your Patreon but it said you aren't accepting new subs at the moment. Do you know when that might change?

hi! Will be back to normal after February. Currently paused cause I need to catch up :D 


Did you draw these or are these AI's?


A mix of both. AI did a lot of the heavy lifting and I touched up a large majority. (The biggest sizes I pretty much drew entirely and let AI fill in the gaps)

iunno how doable it is with rpgm but itd be nice if it was possible to read all of what a card does in the deck builder, like what status effects do or what the cards it creates does. or i guess just have a compendium somewhere you could check for that

There is a compendium actually. It’s in my discord. 

Pinned under the Deck Guides channel. 
link to discord is here:


oh thanks, i probably shoulda checked lol


Which version of the game is this with respect to your patreon?

And when will we get the next update?


Version wise it's the same. But some stuff won't appear here compared to the patreon. Some extra content, sizes and some guest characters are exclusive to the patreon version (For now) along with some additional cards.

I'll update the demo again once the next version drops on Patreon :) (and fix a bunch of bugs that have been brought to my attention)


I tried to sign up on your patreon but it said you aren't accepting new members. :(


not at this stage. On a small break so I can catch up as work + wedding planning has put me behind :( 


Gotcha, I was just curious because I wanted to experience those other screenshots in that sweet, sweet patreon version. :3

And congrats on getting married if you're the lucky one!


Congrats on the marriage! Hope we can get access to the greater game again soon! 


Do you plan to switch to Unity or Unreal in the future ? To get better Card animations and more possibilities ?

Good job by the way ! Keep up the good work !

I did look at using Unity originally, but with the changing in their plan, wasn’t worth it at the time. 
it’s something I will think about in future, but not at this stage. 


When will be there update?

when it is ready. A new update for the card plugin is coming out soon, so I will need to rework some stuff so it doesn’t break the game. 

(1 edit) (+1)

How does Freya work? I have "returned" her card to my deck from my hand and from my discard SOOOO many times and she never does damage!

She SHOULD increase her damage when returned. but for some reason she just doesn't play well. I need to fix her :(

(1 edit) (+1)

Demonic Gladiator similarly seems to not do it's return to deck ability of dealing 15 damage to both sides.

Separate note, if the player gets a status like Empowered or Ascended could the status be shown as well as what it does? 

It makes it confusing when I tried Enraged which seems to just... make me lose 3-4 turns (it erases my mana making it 0) with no benefit... and the card to play takes 5 damage to play...

yeah, I’m trying to think of an elegant way to display them in battle. Mostly trying to have it shown without it making lithe screen look clunky. 

Any chance there's like... a menu in the game or anything that could tell me what the status effects are? At least until you can implement something in game? At the moment I am not putting any effect cards into my deck because it feels like they don't do anything to me but since I don't know what they do I can't verify or help troubleshoot.

Even a text manual or comment would work


Is there a Chance that ur Patreon is on vacation mode because i can't join?

If so, for how long is that going to last?

For at least the month of Feb (maybe March) as I'm currently planning my wedding and working full-time. So haven't had the chance to do anything game related (Well, not as much as I'd like to have done). So it's paused for that duration.

aw alr, good luck with the wedding anyway!

thanks! The next Growing Rivalry update will change a lot. So will make another demo version to reflect some of those changes as well. 


I'd like to mention that Demonic Gladiator doesn't work how it should when returned to the deck... it doesn't do anything sadly :(

otherwise though, I'm loving this game and hope there'll be more in the future.

Please add something that tells the player what status effects DO, or what the cards that are spawned by other cards do... It's not too fun experiementing to figure it out.

(also, a special effect happening when a legend card is gotten would be pretty sweet and would make getting cards a bit more addicting)

I'm afraid I also have to reoprt the demoic temptation is causing crashes. seems to happen when I don't have enough?... I take the 20 dmg, don't draw the FULL 10 cards, but end up suddenly frozen. Concede lights up blue if I hover it the first time, but freezes too and can't be pressed. RIP

Yeah. It tries to draw the cards, but if there isn't enough, it keeps trying and forces the freeze.
And I'm looking to find a clean way for players to check status' during battle and while moving around. To make life a little easier.


I know you've probably had to deal with SOMEONE saying something close to this...

The art I've seen in the game looks like AI (I couldn't notice any obvious AI mistakes), and you don't have to confirm or deny this...

When I saw the game on the screenshots, I was worried that the game was going to be a rushed game, one that wasn't really made with much thought or passion... but playing it myself?

God fucking DAMN, I rarely see games pull off these deck builder systems well. It has so many characters with so many personalities, so many different cards that are all pretty well balanced.

And when I say "balanced" I don't mean the typical way. There are definitely some decks that can be made to exploit/farm size in a single game, but you have to go out of your way to get them.

It's a near-perfect balance between appealing to people who want a challenge and to "play the game fairly" and people who want to just farm INSANE amounts of size ASAP... and it still is a challenge to do that in it's own way that's... honestly kinda fun to optimize.

Really, my only main gripes with it that aren't about bugs (hopefully) is the animations/text/long pauses from certain card effects not being sped up by the options as much as I wish... the issue with not knowing statuses... and not knowing what "summoned" cards do ahead of time.

This has been an amazing game, and I hope to see more of it in the future, and I'm sorry I ever doubted it solely on the artstyle's connotations. No matter how this was made it was made with love from start to finish.

you forgot to put in Nina7 and Nina8?... or forgot to make the game not look for those pictures?

forgot to make it not look. They are meant to stop at 6 😅

(1 edit) (+1)

oof, don't worry I know what to do on my end.


Still, you made a really good game. Pretty fun. might get the paid version some time


I've tried every Deck that was came in my mind but I'm still suck.

The only Deck that was something good is Gladiator. They just can't kill me but I can't kill them either

Can somebody help me plz

I don't want do 2-hours fights with everybody :(

dark fairies have probably the best late game success rate.  Since they have scaling damage and some very hard hitters. 


Thanks, I'll try

I was really stuck so thanks

i can't complete it, whenever i kill the queen she just says "Still a ways to go little one. But you're getting closer" ive beaten her 5 times now what do i do?

she’s got to be shrunk down to less than 140. Then she will leave. 

(1 edit)

ahhhhh, alr ty might take a while then lmao. just before i waste any time tho: is there diffrent endings depending on what class was chosen in the beginning?

The image varies slightly and some slight changes to dialogue, but nothing more than that at this stage. 

thanks for the quick reply and another question.
I can't really join your Patreon because it says "This creator isn't accepting new signups at this time." 
I'd really like to join, but if this is intentional im just here to inform you!

Oh weird how it does that. Yeah I'm taking a short break at the moment as work and wedding plans have put me a little behind. So not charging for this month (potentially the next as well until I catch up :D) 


so my game freezes with this message

yeah forgot to remove some lines of code. Please copy an image in the picture folder and rename it to Miku7. Will fix it temporarily 


First of all, I didn't think I'd enjoy the gameplay as much as I did, short as it is.

Second, I dunno if there's some sort of strat to keep everyone sort of on a level playing field to an extent, but I have come to fear Maru in both of my playthroughs as she pretty much slapped every competition there was.

And finally, "my mooscles are getting bigger. mm yes, I am growing stronkerrr"

Jokes aside, good game, you got some mad good stuff on your hands, even as it is. :D

P.S: Oh and I had only ever once encountered a bug that froze my game.
So what happened was that I had used Demonic Scholar and when it gave me Wicked Temptation right into the hand, that's when it froze.
I can only assume it was because I already had a full hand, sooo ye.


See it’s super weird. Maru always gets eliminated on day 1 for me :P rng has that way with things :D 

was the error Target “is enemy” by any chance? 

There was no error reports, it simply froze in place.
I could do absolutely nothing; no End Turn, no Concede, couldn't choose any other cards, nothing.

that’s weird… 

although I have a feeling I know why. Thanks! 


Was just wondering if the full game would ever be released on here after it's done or after a couple months or so.

Also got some problems with some stages not showing up after reaching the height required for said stages and was wondering if it's a bug.

the demo will receive updates slowly over time. Eventually I’ll probably release a fully paid version with everything. Although there’s probably a lot that can be added. 

Which characters in particular? The demo goes up to 6 for the standard characters and 8 for the MC

From what i've found after playing there's Maru and Valeria that say there's a sixth stage but i can't get it

Easy :D Will look into it!


I found this bug that happens when you wait/finish a battle in a zone where a character would be stage 7 and up in the full version wouldn't appear and would crash the game since the image wouldn't appear due to the limitations of the demo.

hmm, I thought I removed all of them :( can you tell me which character it was? I must have missed a couple :/ 

I remember when you mentioned you'd release the new update after new ears. While I was pleasantly surprised by the christmas eve release I guess you really where overly hasty with that release in many ways considering there hasn't been a hotfix after all this time.

well I wanted to fix up and remove the stuff that was no longer needed due to the leak and the original creator wanting things removed. 

That and working full time means I need to do what I can when I have time to. 

Sorry if it felt rushed, but, I’m only one person :( 

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