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I find it funny that this is the only game on itch besides deeper club that has hyper in it. I really thought that there would be more games with that fetish in mind


fyi, it seems that Sonia might be bugged as her HP isn't going down in battle

Can I get an invite to your discord, I was late and your links expired

Sure thing :)

o and a think there is an erorr on the dificultis bucuse when i put easy the difucult dont change like it's always on normal

how can i get an ally??

You need to use the "Talk" option when speaking to characters (not all can be allies) 

Then select the correct option. Repeat this 5-7 times (depends on the character) and they'll ask if you want to be allies.


so what's the update for those of us who can't use patreon?

Is it me or is the Hero's Quest deck gone? I loved that deck :(


It has been removed sadly. Was the wish of the creator of it after the game got leaked. 

A similar style will show up eventually to replace it, but the exact same thing but wont be there. 

Ahh, hopefully it comes in soon. Legit enjoyed how fun it was to scale the Hero card into its final form.


A.E.R.A is probably the closest in terms of similar scaling mechanic 

Yeah, its actually my second favorite deck but it doesn't hit the same due to the Hero Deck starting out as a weak combo deck that scales very hard.


dude i was just fighting Kristy and her health kept ticking back up to 85 at the end of each turn, for no reason!


Yeah. Her and Sonia are a bit odd like that. Will investigate what's causing it

I'm taller than the Queen but still can only see my feet when fighting her (and I think 20 stages is a little too small, and it's too easy to miss the chance to unlock the middle stages if I increase my height too much at once).

Hey , good game, i will write hère what bug i found

 They are some small bugs with the Ally section 

If you choose nothing while talking to your Ally , it will Say it's Sonia who answers if you are in an equal for the 3 i test 

Sometimes it will trigger a dom battle while you are equal , it's a little random 

Height sharing not working correctly ? If you refuse one Ally and if you dissolve an alliance 

And for not the Ally section , the wait button sometimes trigger talk with a girl when they are on each other so basically you Can Do Time skip and battle and you skip one quarter of day 

And one question , is it normal that the night assassin triggers a battle to instantly loose ?


The ally stuff will be re-worked in time. It's rather clunky and debugging it is rather difficult since it's about 20 different parts working at once. 

And no, the assassin fight shouldn't be an instant loss. 

Bug report for demo: Voidborn gets canceled due to other effects chainging height

Which other effects did you have active at the same time?


The voidcurse, dominance and some that i cant remember.


Can also your ally with the game if she is bigger than you ?

Yes. Height doesn't matter. Just need to select the right options when talking

what options do I have to choose I always end up winning 

You need to select Talk. Not fight. When you click on a girl that can become an ally, a "Talk" option will appear. 

It will then give you 3 options and you need to make sure you pick the correct one. 

When their "Relationship" number gets high enough, they'll ask to be your ally. 

  but there ain’t something like a end screen of your ally winning ? Tysm for answering ❤️

You mean like an ending CG? 
It will still happen, but you have to knock out Valeria first and make sure you are below the trigger (so keep yourself small)


This have a discord ?

Here :)

Where i can see if i have al the card? and the gambler middle gambler in the second floor get in infity loop

Emerge abilities don't work with mechanize: if you draw an undad banshee, you can't draw from draw generator for example.

Autosave seems flawed too : I tried to check it : it saved the height after battles, ignoring the cards bought, I turned it off because of that, now that I turned it on again to check  the details, it doesn't autosave anymore

autosave is disabled. You will get prompted each night to save, if you don’t save manually, it won’t save. 


im trying to run it through chrome via joiplay and it keeps saying unknown token.

Hmm. unfortunately not too well-versed with JoiPlay. You running the windows version or Mac version?

i tried both and it gave the same error screen. i have all the plug-ins for ren'py, ruffle, rpgmaker too

it used to work before the new update too if memory serve

hmm, I’ll have a look and see if I can find out anything for you :) 

Is it normal for HP Buff I and II to only increase the maximum health limit without actually changing their own HP?

Yes, it just increases the maximum HP you can have. doesn't actually restore HP. 

How can the maximum HP be increased?

It increases every night and a bigger boost when you reach a size you haven't before. 

Where is the Back Alley? I've whittled down my competition to one, and she's just camped out there where I can't get to her. I'm softlocked at the end of a day because I can't progress to the next day without finding her.

I was answered on Discord- for the curious, you have to Look in the City Streets. Also don't eliminate all your competition, Valeria's passive height generation is completely insane and you will have to fight her a LOT of times if you're 1v1 with her.

I miss that the contestants looked bigger in the world and not just in the fights

What do you mean? They grow bigger outside of battle too? 

I'm sorry I expressed myself wrong

I mean that the participants grow to the point that they leave the screen when they are out of combat.

(sorry for my bad english)

ahh I got ya. It will be back later on :D it’s being tweaked for the moment. 

Great game, just a few suggestions tho

I assume well get more growth stages for MCs considering there's pics in the files
Can the tall MC get bigger ass and\or breasts even for a little bit (a little more than she already had) since y'know she talks about having them bigger alot?

Yes, eventually all will reach 20 stages. 

The tall one will, but only slightly more of each, since she's mostly meant to be much taller than normal. 

Can anyone tell me how to get an ally ? Tysm ❤️❤️❤️

(1 edit)

you just need to talk with them several times
idk how and ally works
they don't help you in the fight

very grateful to whoever explained to me how they work

When you talk to someone, three options will pop up. 

You need to select the correct one. Usually after 5 or 7 correct (character dependant), they'll ask to be your ally. 

They don't help out. But they'll give you some stuff each morning and any time they win a lot, you'll get a small cut of the height they gained (and vice versa) 


Tysm ❤️❤️❤️

some enemies always have their hp reset at the start of a turn, no matter how much damage i do...

which enemies? They should only reset right at the start. 


i cant remember their names ill see if i run into it again


Sonia, she started at like 40 hp and started staying on 85, and it would always reset to that number


Kristy went from 40 to 65 hp and staying on it

Thanks :D Will take a closer look at those two :D 


Oh boi, new update, new ways to effectively beat the game... in JUST 2 days or even less, depending on how willing you're to cheese.

So, day 1 starts you off with a pretty chill amount of height at 165. This is the part where it all begins...

Here's the strat: Buy 10 packs of Fairy Deck and look for Fairy Corronation and Gluttonous Fairy. Bonus points if you get either or both of Fairy Priestess (healing per Fairy card played) and Fairy's Gift (draw more Fairy cards).

Once you got those, Gluttonous Fairy with card generation from Fairy Corronation will give you 30 Height per use. Challenge any girl you don't like and just farm Height as much as you'd want... or don't, I'm not your mom.

That's that for part 1 of the strat.

Part 2 on the other hand... Requires you to beat the game with 3 cards only... And those cards are as follows: Flux Generator, Cursed Existence and Planetary Absorption. (alongside 12x "Remove on use" cards)

You don't even need to have multiple copies of the 3 mentioned cards, once you're done with "Remove on use" cards, Flux Generator will give you 1 extra card on start of the turn and since both Cursed Existence and Planetary Absorption are 5mana cards, you can use them both in that same turn without waiting two turns to get one by one.

So yeah, if you just farm height on the first battle, on the first day, you are pretty much open to EVERY deck you can grab at the shop, including having like 500 or so Deck Points for FREE. (I don't see a world where 500DP is not enough for a deck)

And hello again dev!

So far, the only bug report I got is the same old "Couldn't find image.". Still not sure if some images for the growth stages show up (at least Muscle MC, that is).

This is on Day 5 and I want to keep my sanity, HP and Height could DEFINITELY be bigger.

aside from the fact that 3 card strategy could fall on its face in the face of bleed and burn (which do max hp based damage) once the higher level opponents are no longer stuck starting with their base hp not a bad strat honestly.

yup. Fixes will be coming soon. Once I finish work today most likely :D 

(2 edits)

Lambs to the Slaughter and Path of Worship cards boost your HP to high heavens (through Dominant and Empowered buffs), so you can just pop in Blood Pact and instakill whoever, even with the bugged starting HP (as some have access to MAD healing).

Why I probably dismissed Lambs to the Slaughter and Path of Worship in my post, is because those two are both in Succubus deck AND "Remove on use" cards.

And yes, I noticed the maxHP% damage only after fighting Valeria. :|

Valeria is DED! Not big soup-rice.

"Ally System" any hint you could drop about it?

an option that didn't exist in the previous patch is talking with the opponents. odds are your dialogue choice has a bearing on this system and you'll have to answer the character's questions properly to start up the system.


(2 edits)

Gave the succubus theme a good run through. Is it normal for Zekari to keep her attack boosts between games? Also noticed the Apocalypse card being able to take out Valeria right at the beginning of the match. Valeria starting at 100 health to enable blitzing and the fact her notorious regen ability is able to apply to the player now normal?

The (de)buff displays are a very good step in making the cards more accessible for understanding. It should be noted that the coven theme deck has an alarmingly large number of buffs that either fail to give a buff description or fail to generate a buff name in the list entirely.

The additional text box describing keywords in match is a nice touch. The activate keyword definition box is however poorly worded. It just simply says it can be activated again without mentioning a card of that name has be played before the effect can be activated again. Since the keyword boxes are so big you might as well tack on a note for the coven spellcost keyword it not only requires that much coven level but it will also reduce coven level by that amount. I personally think the (de)buffs could be stuffed into that keyword detail explaining list as well, but that's more of a wish.

Also in regards to deck editor the box in the lower left corner of the screen displaying card details isn't wide enough so it cuts off the text of the longer descriptions. Given the empty space at the bottom you could afford to widen that box so a player doesn't have to enter a match so see everything.

Also the submissive debuff seems to do nothing to the enemy despite the fact it should be stealing height. Also slime witch serena is only allowed to have 1 in deck building mode despite being epic and costing 10.

1. Yup. Zekari's boosts are permanent. (I probably should add the word, permanently to it.) 

2. Nope. Definitely thought I fixed that. Valeria should have far more HP, not sure why it's capping at 100... (Are other characters having the same issue?)

3. Thank you! I'll work on adding those in. (Thought I got them all...)

4. Yeah, activate can be a bit confusing. It should probably be reversed. So if active, you can discard it to resolve it's effect. 

5. Hm thought I added that to the Spellcost notetag. Must have missed it :(

6. Yeah, I did try making that box bigger, but it causes weird issues with trying to actually navigate the library to add cards (it's a tad janky in MZ sadly...)

7. Odd. Was confirmed that it was working in the full version. Which card applied it? Might be one that I missed.

8. Seriously?! Oops. That's my mistake on that one :D 

Thanks for the detailed report. Will fix these up soon hopefully!

(1 edit)

An amusing quirk I noticed in battle with coven/dominance decks is that even if you steal the enemy down to negative height they'll keep fighting as normally even though they should of technically shrunk out of existance.

r2) the timid Maru has 20 match start hp even when over 2k height. Valeria always starts the match at 100 health regardless of her current height. I strongly suspect the enemy health height scaling is broken. An other oddity I noticed with valeria is that when you steal height from her you gain height and keep it but valeria reverts to her pre match height after the end of the match. It should be noted I did an easy mode run through.

r7) not only cruelty of fairy but also a fair number of dominance granting succubus cards which (also apply submissive to the enemy at the same time despite not saying so) all have that inactive submissive. It seems any card that grants dominance to you also grants an equal level of submissive to the enemy but the submissive doesn't do anything.

(1 edit)

The max health IS scaling correctly, the problem is they start with their base health value, so "Execute" cards will generally kill because the enemy starts at 40 HP out of their max 750 HP (random values for example sake).

This is noticeable if you allow the enemy to use drain spells or healing.

I did find my issue as to why they happened, they are supposed to heal to full at beginning of combat, but it was removed by accident while I cleaned up some stuff. 

And the submissive state granted is name only. The effect you need to look at is the players one. (Since enemies can’t have special effects like that, so it’s a work around to kind of make it happen.) 

Pretty buggy rn, whether failing to load images or breaking the battle mode because I pressed an up arrow (forcing resets), but I do like the concept and battle system and hope for it to be expanded upon. (Machine deck for the win, mechanize op. and The Obliterator goes hard). I'd also like for there to be a version that works on the itch app rather than the website alone if possible. 

Got a few more bugs to iron out it seems. 

I would also highly recommend using the mouse when in battle. Will make your life much easier :D 

(Sadly the app breaks alot of the plugins when it tries to load the data. So it's easier to package the whole lot and run the executable) 

I'm using Joiplay to play this game. I ran into this bug with the assassin.

(1 edit)

Is it possible that I can just use an image and name it Assassin.png


That will work as a temporary fix yes. (I'll try make a little patch you can dump in the image folder to fix it.)

Thank you

the space force medic card does not work

still? Fuck me she’s been a giant pain. 

So she doesn’t heal you? 



What's in the Patreon version that's excluded from this demo?


around 4-5 side quest bosses

Special sets of cards

Black market (hire assassins to reduce height of other competitors) 

And full 10 stages for all characters, 16 for the main characters

i think the hardened body ability needs to be nerfed or limited in some way cause i just fought matila at 351 height at 130 health on easy and she would just keep using that ability healing a fifth of her health each time and effectively preventing me from beating her, i would suggest either a limit on the amount of times she can use it or putting a time in place so she can only use it one every few turns rather than several times in a row





If you don't use bosses (such as Empress and Cultists), then I recommend this set, with fewer waste items.

which card decks are all of these


Guess there's been some more setbacks in the progress for the next patch. Your workflow for progressing towards the next patch in good order atleast?


well, more bugs kept appearing 😂

but should be finally getting to the time where I can update the demo at least. 


Well given how long it's been between patches don't rush the quality assurance. A new update can wait a day if it means being able to allow a singular play through on the demo to check for easily discoverable problems.

(1 edit)

I got stuck in a battle after playing "Feast of Souls" where I had to remove 3 cards from my deck. They were the last three, so after that move, my deck was at 0, but didn't reshuffle. With no cards in hand there was nothing i could do but to concede. At least there's a way out of this kind of softlock...

I've tried building a demons deck, with mediocre results (yet) and put a card in that made me submissive. I wasn't really surprised it was something bad for me, but that it took all my height away really surprised me. It would be nice to have effects like these explained beforehand. Even if it's just in the compendium (excel sheet) which could use an update too. It's also quite annoying that when putting a deck together, you can't really read the description of the cards. Not all of it anyway, as the text box doesn't adjust to the amount of text


unfortunately that’s user error on that one. If you remove all your cards and having nothing to play, there’s nothing you can do except concede. 

The excel spreadsheet will get updated. But a lot of cards are changing so it may take a little

I had plenty of cards in the discard pile though. I just had to shuffle, but it didn't. Probably because the last card from the deck wasn't drawn but removed

hmm. That should be fixed in the newest version. It always had a few weird quirks sadly. Attempting to “draw a card” should correct it

im getting really confused fighting nyx, i am have 1000 height, she has 500 and im playing on easy and within a 2 turns she takes away a third of my 350 health points, is this intended?

Did you see what skill she used? 

Some status effects deal % damage each turn. 


Is there a way to know the effects of all sorts of buffs? Having trouble finding information.

currently working on a way to have things displayed in battle (mostly trying to find a clean solution for it) 

once 6.0 comes out, the demo will be updated again to reflect it :) 

what are the best cards for the parasite deck ? Bc I want to use one tysm for the answers ❤️❤️


the main ones will be Queen, Invasion and Invader. 

Fairy, Succubus, Zombie and Machine are good. 

Gambler, Demon help with minor damage.

But the main way is to just play a heap of them and do a lot of damage with Queen.

(1 edit)

After unzipping, I'm getting the following error when trying to open the "Game" file on Mac: The application “Game” can’t be opened.

That's really bizarre. 
Unfortunately I don't have a MAC to test this on. 

Can you confirm if it happens if you delete it and re-download it again?

Confirmed; tried it a few times but no luck.

hmm. I’ll try reuploading it when I get home later and see how it goes. 

Alright, it's me again with another couple of bug reports on the current itch version.

Bug #1; Not sure how many people encountered this bug, but "Failed to load: img/pictures/Nina7.png" with the prompt to [Retry] (or any other 'insert name here') that happens in battles gets annoying, especially when it is the last time block (night time) fight, so you basically have to restart the entire day.

Also, I'm not fully sure how to fix or if it's just a problem on my end.

Bug #2; Ultimate Temptation (from the Demons pack) pretty much breaks the fights in a way that don't let you do ANYTHING, similarly to how in my last bug report with Demonic Scholar, except Ultimate Temptation does it without fail.

Oh and something that got overlooked, maybe see something about going into negative height? Buying packs is easiest to just nuke your height and it's possible to go into negative height, but with recent discovery or gaining height with Gluttonous Succubus/Fairy, going into negative height at the start of the game seems like a strategic suggestion.

LAST THING for real now.

Are certain images/places/card packs supposed to be in the game or am I missing something? I mean stuff like "CasinoCardSeller", "CultIsland" or "CultistPack".


1. The picture issue is me being silly :( to bypass it, copy an image in the img folder and paste it. Change the name to match and it will clear the error. I.e (copy Nina6 and rename it to Nina7) 

2. that one is bugged. It will cause a freeze at the moment. I would avoid using it for the time being. 

3. That stuff is on the Patreon version only at the moment. Not in the demo. 


Cool beans.

Thanks for clarifying.


How did I unlocked casino 2nd floor and how to unlock all Casino girls in gallery? 

Also between Muscle win and Intro Scene 1 what's there and how to unlock?

to get to the second floor of the casino, you need to win 5 casino games (not in a row) and you'll get a letter when you get home that'll invite you there. 


Okay, but what next, how to unlock next CG?

I wil have to check when I get home. Should be all the character win cg’s 

I want to know how to unlock Ariana's CG. Her height is already 2000 in the casino VIP lounge, but she still cannot trigger the end.

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