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Lota drama going on sadly. I know its a weird time to ask but I have an issue with the dimensional decks. Used trading post to cycle a card met with "Cannot read property 'id' of undefinded" something I caused maybe?


Hm. Do you remember which card you discarded for it? And did the enemy die from the discard effect?


DEV got a Leaked from 7h ago , this meaning the game won't get update for a short days .

another bad news is some art are been removed by their owner request.


okay second time in english: the game got leaked by some pirates which killed the devs and collaborating artists drive to further develop the game, so the collaborating artists art is getting pulled from the game and it may take a while before anything new gets added in a future update


That is correct. 

Stuff will be removed, and I'll update both the demo and patreon version around that time. 


stuff gets leaked yes, game still makes 1200 dollar a month

films get leaked, series too, games too

it happens, and he's still making money from a passion project, as i don't condone piracy it's not the end of this

if it is, is't just sad becouse it's a dev fault not  a piracy problem


piracy action is illegal , DEV have nothing wrong with.

your conclusion is UNACCEPTABLE.

Can you unlock other packs in the demo


Not at this stage no. But I will be doing an update to the demo soon (should come out just after Xmas I imagine)

What's the best combo deck, couse i'm having an hard time on easy and i feel real dumb

(2 edits)

I'd recommend obtaining fairy boosters. There's quite a number of fairy cards that get more powerful the more fairy cards you play in that booster set. Either Dark Fairy queen or fairy fire (though you'll need the particular fairy that adds more fairy fire to your deck) are entirely capable of defeating even the final boss. The light fairy side also has a powerful healing card that only gets more powerful the longer you play a match with a light fairy deck.

Also from what I recall easy actually isn't drastically easier than normal. I personally found the difficulty jump from easy to normal a let down.

One strategy is to refine a strategy to spam the height gain cards and just grow so much even if you end up losing it means nothing as you grew WAY more than you lost.

If I recall correctly:

Dark Fairy Dominance if you have 10 Corruption and at least 5 Dark Fairiess in your discard gives you 30 height a pop, Gladiator (Juggernaut I think) when shuffled back in your deck I thing gives you height based on how many gladiators you've played and does some damage, and Parasite Succubus generates height based on how many Parasites you've played, though Parasites require a good deal of technical play due to their thing of they exhaust but can create a copy if you discard them, but only once until you play a copy.

Do you beat the game when you defeat Valencia once? I did that and nothing happened. Also, at what height do character's physical appearances stop changing?


You do not. You need to get her down low enough to leave. and then hit the minimum height (which is 1300 iirc in the demo)

and then you win. 

For most, around 500 or so. As there is no further stages after that.

What do you mean by get her down low enough to leave? Do you mean height wise and if so what height?


if you bring her below 150, a small scene will out and she will leave. Then you can fight for the throne. 


how did you defeat Valencia? I've challenged her 13 times now but the quins domain always heals her for 100 to 200, which means I can't get her down and as soon as I get her to 300 she heals up to 500+ life points


you need to use cards that have scaling damage. Fairy or dark fairy are probably the best options for it. 

Thanks for the help

What's the minimum height for a character before they're eliminated?


It varies between characters. Anywhere from 130 - 160 for the majority though


The menu shows that the mc has 5/14 transformations available. After reaching a growth of 500, there is no further progress. Is it not going to be in the demo or am I missing something?


Ah that's my mistake, there are 7 full stages in the demo. The remainder are in the full version. Must have forgotten to remove the tags for the larger sizes in the CG Gallery. 

i was also wondering how to get the remainding 7 pictures ^^


that’s only available in the Patreon version. As it goes up to size 14 there. 


If i have enough on payday thinking of subscribing to your patreon do i buy the paid version on patreon?


Once you subscribe, you can use the link to download the latest version :)


you can cancel subscribe after you get what you want.

subscribe will auto expire when time over.

before that , you still have access to them.


So I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but every time I try to use corrupted possession it seems to break my game. Despite having fairy cards to discard it won't let me discard them and then I get stuck since I can't do anything anymore. 


hmm. Shouldn’t have that issue as it should prevent you discarding anything if you don’t have some dark fairies in hand… I’ll investigate this though :) 


Game itself is fun, card game is pretty decent but it takes very long to get some progress


i had to make an account just to post here. USUALLY i hate RPGmaker games with a passion, but this one is so addictive....bought the full version and MAN this has to be the best money spent to value received i ever spent D: 

has been one of the first games in a long time that didnt feel like a chore, but made me completely forget time... (when i checked the clock it was fucking 6am but felt like 10pm maaaaaan)



(1 edit) (+2)

Some of the gladiator cards just don't seem to work as intended - Size Worship straight-up doesn't do anything at all, for example.

hmm, imma check the conditional branch (bet you I forgot a bracket again…) 


As great as this game is... the final boss fight sucks... 

From just one move...

a healing over time move that restores around 1/7 of her hp per turn, and it's already painful to get through her normally...

you definitely need scaling damage. Dark fairy or even regular fairy have their damage buffed over time. So they can deal the big numbers and she can’t out heal it. 

A.E.R.A from the machine pack also has that option. 

do you plan to update the demo or will it stay like this

it will be updated over time. Mostly card updates and some feature updates


Beat the game twice the big girl where everything grows and the busty girl can't wait for the full game to release with the new content miku and kendra are easily my fave girls in it


Hola, amigo excelente juego muy entretenido las mecánicas de cartas, pero tengo un par de dudas, como derroto a la chica que vendió algunas cartas fuertes? literal es su turno y me hace insta KO (tengo 3000 height) y segundo que contenido extra trae la versión de patreon?

¡Hola! ¡Me alegra que lo disfrutes!

¿Te refieres a titania?

El mejor mazo de la demostración sería Dark Fairy.

y la versión de patreon agrega bastante.

nuevos personajes, nuevos packs de cartas, nuevas mecánicas y jefes especiales, nuevas áreas, un poco más de dificultad y todos los personajes tienen más etapas (hasta al menos 8, algunos tienen 10) y el personaje principal sube hasta la etapa 14.

wao me encantaría poder jugar esa versión pero por ahora toca solo la gratis, y contra Titania trate de usar el deck dark fairy pero literalmente es segundo turno y me hace OTK XD no se por que pasa

¿Usaste algunas de las cartas de Titania? No le gusta que la gente use sus propias cartas en su contra... :D

mmmm creo que si, es por eso? XD mb 


sí. A ella no le gusta cuando usas sus propias cosas aquí :D


Simply love the game. Probably one of my top fav games recently. I never thought I would enjoy a card game since it's not my type, but it's amazing and I just wanted to find the best builds instantly, while being rewarded with growing girls everywhere. Great concept! 

If you will work on another game or develop this one more, and you'll need somebody to make more AI pics, let me know ;) 

glad you enjoy it. Card games are the best ;) cause it’s enjoyable trying to min max effectiveness :P

(2 edits)

VIP room in Gambling Den are not working, data/Map029.json are missing.

before I put them to common event 0003(sleep event) the VIP event never been Triggered.

map home EV003 didn't working.

update : map is not found in database, I hitted a Mine.

the VIP area of the casino is not in the demo. Can you please tell me where you triggered it? As it is not an accessible map in the demo. 


seeing what the moves the opponent uses actualy does would be useful, theres one person who keeps spamming assault generator and deals 60-80 damage and its like what are you supposed to do

I can write a list of them eventually. Few more to be added actually :p


I've had fun with the card mechanics. And of course, I've enjoyed watching girls get huge, can you blame me? It's just a little too easy to press the "concede" button when you're playing with keyboard controls. An "Are you sure?" prompt would be great!

Hmm, that’s a good call, might add that in future. 


I got bug in Casino game at Gambling Den ,the Blackjack Cards never reset so I only play 1 time then it never playable.

if I Force skip the require to play Blackjack Cards game then I got Contradictory outcomes : whatever I win or lose the dialog will play I win and pickup prize ,yeah I got them. then dialog play I lose and better luck next time.

(1 edit) (-1)

you didn't add switch 0368 to common event 0003 sleep event to shutoff so it stay open all the time. 

I'm really feel Tired on checking your event context.

my fix : insert action "switch 0367 turn off" under “if switch 0367 on” at the last place , so this can be end correctly.

0365 and 0366 need same action like 0367 to be shutoff or they just looping in this.

did you had a playtest ?

yes. I’ve played blackjack every single day on my playthroughs with no issues. 

I got dialog spam by Titania.

if you used any card she sold to attack her then she will play those dialog  every time when the battle start.

that’s intentional. 


then I gonna shut it.

you can use Enemy transformation in battle event so we don't need that many enemy team.


this game is just SEXcellent excited, to see more of this

(1 edit) (+2)

For people interested in the full version, I payed for the Patreon 3 days ago and I have been having a blast with it.

I started playing because of the tags, I kept playing because the gameplay was very solid (and because of the tags). In it's core this game is a very solid deck-builder where you can focus on crafting and piloting your deck. You don't have to worry about the actions of an opposing player like in Hearthstone, and you do not have to learn attack patterns like in Slay the Spire. 

The UI can be a bit clunky, for instance when you try to use the mouse to add or remove cards from your deck. But that is the only complaint I have.

The amount of cards, the types of packs, and the random nature of what you get at what point made playing through it multiple times real fun. I never picked the same type of deck twice across my playthroughs and even after more than 20 hours I still haven't played over half the pack types.


Argh, you know what,  I'm spending too many hours on this demo not to support and get the full version like you. I do hope the game gets less janky as it is updated though I don't have too high hopes because it's fucking RPG Maker lmao. Just hope my particular "tags" are more appealed to in the full version...


Yeah, most of the jank might just be pushing RPG Maker to the extremes like this game does. But NickSav has been very active on fixing and responding to bugs and bug reports on his Patreon and Discord, so i have confidence that any issues that can be fixed, will be.

is the castle not implemented yet because when i try to go there it says it cant find map 32 and that file also doesnt seem to be in the last update file

never mind found it

use the castle option from the menu. I made a mistake and forgot to change the quick button event 😂


amawing game solid 9.3/10 

the game is a bit hard to understand but still will recommend playing it


tried parasitic pack for battle, but when i used the parasitic zombie at one point this comes: 

Cannot read property 'makeTargets' of undefined.

Could only close the game :(


damn it :( so I think what’s happening there is if the target “dies” from the card effect, it still try’s to complete the rest, but because their dead, it can’t. 

Really thought I got all of those…. 


Itch didn’t let me rate this for some reason but I quite enjoyed the demo. Interesting switch up to a card game from your past RPGs and very much like that you’re incorporating different types of expansion!


Thanks! I, probably like many others, just like big :D Bigger is better after all right? :D

When the game is complete, will it be available to everyone without paying?


better not think about it, if you always hope so then you will be painful.

Based on the devs other answers to comments on here: The demo will get more content as the game gets developed, but the full game will probably be a payed version.

How many stages does each of the MCs have?

They have 7 in the demo. 

Do you know which cards are most effective against Valeria?

For maximum damage out, I would go with Dark Fairies.

(1 edit)

If you want to brute force through valeria's regen there's only 3 practical methods that come to mind.

1) The light fairies that put copies of fairy fire into your deck so you have an unlimited supply of fairy fire that does more damage with each hit.

2) Use the augmented corruption card of dark fairies to start an upgrade chain where you use 16 corruption to summon the Ultimate Dark Fairy Queen. Once you get your hands on that and have played enough dark fairies its actually entirely possible to one shot Valeria in her strongest 750 hp form in the demo. Even if you get the ultimate queen out super fast lowering the initial power it'll still easily do over 200 damage and heal you for just as much as it hurts the enemy. Even if the first attack doesn't kill the card will persist as long as you don't foolishly remove it from the game yourself.

3) The exodia like route: use an A.E.R.A. upgrade deck to crank aera to lvl 32 upgrade to turn her into galaxy crusher form. Poor Valeria got obliterated by over 150k damage once that landed.

(1 edit)

Is A.E.R.A a legendary card that I just haven't gotten even though I have gotten 4 obliterators, or am I not understanding something?

Yes, A.E.R.A is legendary. It's just luck at the end of the day. Kinda like real card packs :P

Any chance of of bug fixing the demo so that at least the castle can be visited? If it's intentional atleast have the game give a proper response instead of an error message of there being no map32.json.


Yes, fixing it now actually :P 

(1 edit) (-1)

i think he didn't remove the map by right way , if he just delete the json from data then it may happen error due to the link broken and database didn't catch up the update.

you can copy and past map017 and rename it to map032, that JSON is the game looking for.

okay, how to you beat the Queen? I can deal, like, 55 damage in a single turn, but I can’t offset the 112 healing she does. I spent like 20 minutes fighting her because she couldn’t beat me. I quit out of exasperation. It’s really annoying, because the 3 npc’s beat her every time apparently.

I found a somewhat reliable way of using the 'gladiators cunning' cards (found in the gladiator packs) where for each gladiator card you play it adds one damage to the damage dealt by the card so after a while you can chunk her health per 100 a hit and push through her healing.

i use fairy fire stacks at one point her healing gets useless if fairy fire stacks enough.

When the full game is out will you add it to steam?

I'm not too sure. The initial steam outlay is quite high and they have an indifferent stance on AI art. One day maybe, but not at this stage.

Got what seems to be a bad ending, but I had over 4000 height (thank you, parasitic succubus) and only lost one match... is that the only ending in the free version or did I do something wrong?


essentially, if the queen grows too big from her starting height, you will lose. You have to whittle her down as well. 

(1 edit)

So basically, I need to make sure that I don't spend too much on cards? Not sure how I feel about that when I was supposedly twice her height... was I able to challenge her, ever? it didn't seem to allow me when I tried to go to the castle.

Also, guess that means I'll have to start again, wish I didn't have to lose my whole card colletion...

(1 edit)

atleast 5 day ago then you can attack BOSS.

if any AI still standing then they will do so.

you will need better card to match them.


castle will open day 7. Any character above 900cm will challenge the Queen each night. 

The queen will only "Lose" when she reaches Less than 100. Whoever beats her, is declared the winner. 

everyone can attack BOSS 1 time per days.

every time BOSS lose\win will pay 50 height to winner.

you can let some aggressive AI alive so they can help to low down BOSS.

How do you attack the boss?


the castle will open from day 7. 
you can then travel to the castle and challenge Valeria. 

Thank you.

Is Size Worship bugged? I got the trigger condition (had played at least 30 Gladiator cards and was 350 bigger) but it never added a card. Is there a way to know what each card does? I've seen a good chunk of cards with text cut off

Yup! Working on a compendium which will contain a bunch of information (locations of the girls, cards, effects, tokens that can be created). 

Once I get it going, I’ll post a link to it :) 

Some way to know when the Parasite ability is available or not could be good. Also, got a kill with Parasite Zombie and got a TypeError: Cannot read property 'makeTargets' of undefined. Maybe caused by it trying to make a card after the kill?

After my first turn the game no longer lets me play some cards.

which cards does it not allow you to play? If you can tell me which ones exactly I know where to look. 

Dont worry I was just being stupid and I did not realize I had to discard.

Also are there planned updates for the demo?

eventually there will be :) I can’t say exactly what, but things will be added to the demo over time :) 

Also how do you get Aria to her last 2 sizes?

Just keep "buying" deck points off her before day 10


5.0 is here

and you have to pay.

demo won't get update...most likely.

will the update be free in the future?


The demo will receive updates periodically as I add new cards or as the plugins update. (Or if I change art etc) 

the full version will stay as a paid product, but the demo will receive more stuff over time as well. 

Is there a way to pay once for the full version instead of having to stay subscribed to get each update?


At the moment no. But I probably will release a full version on here to purchase as well when it is finished.

Great! After the enemies are able to have decks and cards are balanced a bit better since opponents will be able to use them, I'd be willing to pay about $3 for this; I'd be willing to pay more than that if more body types/fetishes are present than in the free demo, such that my more particular preferences are appealed to.

(1 edit) (-1)

you can add higher card to them but with require to use.

not support variable but can be  Trigger by switch , need common event to check them.

(5 edits) (+2)

I decided to throw together a quick guide for people!

I've played many card games and I can say this is a fun one, although awkward for deck building.

How to play: Easy, place bets and use your cards to beat your opponent

How to get started: This is a lot harder then expected, as your starting deck isn't the greatest. However, there is an easy strategy using the game mechanics. 
Starting Deck: You have 3 important cards. Cannon Soldier, Jagged Edge and Rapid Recovery. What do they do?

Cannon Soldier: 4 cost, deal 7 damage and draw 1. This is what we call a "neutral play" in card games, going equal in hand advantage. 

Jagged Edge: 2 cost, deal 2, draw 1. A "worse" Cannon Soldier as it has less damage. 

Rapid Recovery: 3 cost, discard itself to grab two from grave (or discard), THEN discard a card. This is broken, because unlike other games.... IT CAN BRING ITSELF BACK.

How to use the Starter Deck: Be as hand negative as possible and be efficient with every use of MP until Dark Contract (take damage, discard, draw 4. Hand reset), to get your pieces. Get both Cannon Soldier, Jagged edge can assist, but is good to keep and Rapid Recovery. Play Cannon Soldier, follow up with Rapid recovery to get itself back and Cannon Soldier, discard what you drew. This creates a hand positive loop as you draw for turn, just make sure not to leave your CS in the grave before the final draw. This is 7 damage per turn, hand positive, and reliable. 

Other Decks: I have given names to every other deck based on their archetypes.

There are 8 total decks you can make effectively. 

Fire Fairy, Light Fairy, Dark Fairies, Lifesteal Gladiator, Enrage Gladiator, Machina Spam, A.E.R.A, and Chimera

Fire Fairy: Slow Ramping Fairy's abusing cards like Fairy Hero and Fairy Mage to create a fire and finale, to slowly increase damage with Firestorm and Fairy Explosion. You use Fairy Priestess, Fairy Queen and Coronation (discard, spawns a Princess in hand and Queen in deck) to increase your damage and heals. However this INCREADIBLY blocks your deck because of additional in deck generation of 6 cost cards. It has way too much generation to be a coherent strategy. Use with caution for extremely long fights.

Light Fairy: Light Fairy's have a lot of draw power and can be used to recycle cards like Stomp extremely fast, I also like to call this Fairy in a Spam Can. Fairy Priestess is busted however, as with infinite cards you can infinitely heal yourself to full each turn. 

Dark Fairy: Haven't tested much but it's a Token Archetype, abusing points of "Corruption" to heal, deal massive damage or create new cards. This is cheap to build, but does require both Legendary's. 

Lifesteal Gladiator: I would say the best. Every card draws into something else and deals damage, permanent height increases built in, extremely cheap only using 1-2 copies of a few cards such as Glad Juggernaught, Regal Gladiator, Size worship, etc

Enrage Gladiator: This is about being as low health as possible, which is dangerous but rewarding. Using low heal cards to keep yourself sustained, you can abuse Overwhelming Fury (+1 damage to glad cards) and Vengeful Fighter (2 + Your missing health/2) to deal insane amounts of damage. Good on easy mode. 

Machina Spam: Use big golem and scrap generation to throw an insane amount of Machina cards into the graveyard to deal increasing amounts of damage with how much Machina is in grave. I wouldn't consider this a strategy, but it beats most low Height NPC's in 2 Minutes. 

A.E.R.A: Personally my favourite strategy. Using "Upgrade" cards you can augment different effects onto the boss Legendary A.E.R.A which creates infinite MACHINA copies of itself in deck, and will Upgrade further when augmented enough. Why do I specify Machina? Because Assault Mech can Search it, as well as any other Machina Search, so feel free to run a big deck. It has infinite scaling, regeneration, DOTs (Damage over time), and very accessible. However, it is very expensive, costs me at least 400 height each run. Just run one of each Upgrade card, 3x Search, Scrap generator and some of the other heal cards, and A.E.R.A.

Chimera: This is what I call "Do whatever you want". It would be cool if there was an actual monster girl archetype but this is just every card that is good on its own. I would say this is where you'd go for endgame, putting Stomp, lifesteal cards and Energy Drain. 

How to build your own: Do not use my word as law, I may be experienced but everyone has a playstyle. I recommend reading the cards, although the menu is really awkward. 3 rules however, Hand Neutral is good, Infinite generation of permanent cards is bad, Damage and Draw is king. 

To the Creator: Thank you! This is fun and i'd really like to see some more with this. If you want me to ever test something out or give my opinions, let me know. I love card games and deckbuilding, and I have a lot of opinions about what would be good in a deck. 

But personally, if you could add something which tells you where characters currently are that'd be great. 

ooh this is really cool. Very detailed! 
and thank you :D I also love card games. So being able to make one around a fetish I enjoy does help. 

Which packs give the cards needed for each deck archetype?

The standard cards and "all cards" are in the firest pack to the left, the second pack is exclusively fairies, the third is exclusively gladiator's and the fourth is exclusively Machina/Machines

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